Map Change Poll #4

What map would you like to play on next?

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Dumbest thing I've read all day. Nothing about Evo is a "cop main" map. Apartments, Subs houses, most properties in the industry sector as well as the Skyscraper are all easily defendable and very popular bases for criminals.
Paralake always felt so empty and dead if there was under 50 people playing. We used to have 80/80, so Paralake was great for that, but the server hasn't hit 60/60 in over a month. Either way, with 60/60, Paralake still feels like a wasteland to me, unless you're in Bazaar.
Evocity is a small map and it would definetely feel more alive then, and I've been tired of Paralake for a while now anyway.

@Collier ye sure but i like to evade police much more then base and the only current way to escape cops is to go straight into the lake and hide in forest

also some bases are wayy too op
I’m gonna vote Evo city, because sure, it’s kinda cancer overall, with certain aspects of it being LITERAL cancer, but on the other hand, for as long as the servers up, we’re going to be playing Paralake and this is an opportunity to give the server a completely different feel once it’s implemented.

Also, for evo, and forever after, either revert the crafting table or at least make it so we can place them anywhere and move them as we please, as crafting in apartments will be especially AIDS on evo as the Benches will take up chemical table slots.

But this time, mix it up a bit. Maybe don’t have the broken building in the corner of the car dealer area as a property as it was useless.

Some other things we should try with the next evo if it wins is:
- Have a Fredys NPC in the gas station. PLEASE.
- Move the spawn point to the lobby area of nexus, or in spots around the city as opposed to all spawning in the fountain.
- Implement this accepted suggestion, so we can get to the hospital quicker.
- Move the taxi NPC to inside the garage.
- Actually get the bus driver job working
- Fix bulletproof city shop windows
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@Paralake fags

@Evo enjoyers when they powergrow 10 million worth of drugs in the Evo month basing in the city apartment with the tunnel like entrance
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@Creepis they have next to no chance of getting successfully raided unless the raiders use explosives or wallbang an entire mag into the wall to hit the defender
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