So it's been a huge amount of time since I've opened this org, and I never closed it or could have stopped thinking about it. I was talking to a friend of mine, and we decided we gotta give it a go.
So first things first, I gotta settle some things with the staff before doing this, but it is not something required it will just make things a lot more easier for me to set up the event.
Second of all, teams. Guys, get your friends ready for this, get a friend of yours who has a supercar of some sort and ask him to come race and form a team. There is going to be a competition in which teams are all invited depending if their car gets approved to race, and there are going to be places for teams to set up their pits, in which they will refuel and repair their cars, and be on a stand watching their racer fly by them. Entry price will be 7.5K, winner takes 80%% of all the money put in depending by the amounts of teams that will arrive, and I know there are some serious cars and racers to contribute and perform.
Third of all, Marston Racing Industries are looking for donors, this whole event is going to be funded by us, so it will be incredible if people can donate any certain amount of money. Donations will be taken only in the event to prevent any issues.
Fourth of all, we're looking for suggestions on anything, and part time employees that can help set up everything. This might not be needed as we might hire Arnott's Party Co.
So here's the template for your guy's teams:
Car you will be using for the racing (choose multiple if you want, the cars approved will be called out and you will choose the one you like the most):
Mechanic(/s, if you wanna add to that RP at the pits where more then one mechanics replace tires and such, pit laps will be measured in a certain way. This is optional, no team has to have a mechanic but instructor will need to have some items on him.):
Remember guys, this is trying to imitate as much RP as possible, I will ask you nicely enough to act the most mature and don't come in guns blazing for zero apparent reasons.
Ask any questions here at this page, any personal questions can be asked by forum PMs.
Last thing I forgot to say, there is no exact date for this, but when everything is 100% confirmed I'll be giving a date approximately a week before it.
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