Marston Racing Industries

Marston Racing Industries is a way for Paralake's car enthusiasts and lovers to meet up, show their cars off and race them in a legal manner.
The company has a few offers which are mostly free, these include:
- Tracks in the farm set up for a time attack with top 3 fastest people written on the board. This costs money depending on the amount of laps and refuels.
- Racing leagues will be set up and announced here. Sign ups will be open to everyone. Depending on the car you will use you'll be put into a class.
- Costs money depending on laps and refuels (if needed).
- Cruising events every Saturday or any other special days.
- Forest cruises for heavy terrain vehicles (This happens rarely, it depends on how many people are up for it.)
- Drag races between certain classes of cars that will be coupled depending on their class (by the instructor/operator) or if wanting to race a friend or so.
- Car shows
- Car instructions, recommendations, explanations, and more.
- Car upgrading (done in the garage of the farm (OOC: This is just for rp, no money is involved in this, it is just for the sake of roleplay.)

Marston Racing Industries is currently in need of employees.
If you feel you could fit the role of an operator or general professional in building cars, then please fill in the application form found

Information for every offer individually:
1) A track will be set up by the employees with props. The moment it is open it will be written here and in an advert too. It wont be there all the time, so keep checking this page if it is currently available. Price range is not enormously expensive.Price per lap: 500$
Refuel: 1000$
Fixing: 750$
Any other unique kind of treatmeant price will be determind from the operator.
2) Racing leagues have different events in them that will test different advantages and disadvantages of a car depending on what car it is.
There will be Autocross, which is basically cones set up inside a track and the racer will have to swerve through the cones. Hitting a cone will add time to his timer.
There will be regular time attack which is basically get the best time you can around the track.
There will also be normal racing with all the racers in the league on the track or if there are too many in a class it will be divided to x more races.
Points will be racked up for a total of all the races and types of races, and podium winners of each class will receive rewards. There is an entry price at that varies between the classes, but this can be earned back and even profited if you believe that you can take on other people and win. Of course the faster cars pay more but win more. Every person that signs up will get a sum up of each event, rules of the race and such, and will have to sign a contract.
3) The cruise event is for every car, everyone gathers up at a certain spot decided by the employee operating the cruise, and on the go everyone just starts going where ever they are led to, usually on the highway, but there will be gas station stops for refuelling and talking. Every car is invited but try to keep up if slow.
4) Forest cruises are cruises for trucks, jeeps, and certain cars that are decided if fit by the operator/professional. Everyone gathers up at the farm entrance, and from there everyone goes on a trip in the forest. Do not get stuck. (We possibly will have roadcrew to take car of someone that gets stuck, and pull him out with the winch, will cost 500$ that will go to the RC).
5) Drag races will be set up at the farm, betting between crowd and drivers is acceptable, up to any price range, will be managed by the operator. Cars will be launched by the employees too.
6) Car shows will be called at any time, cars will gather up in the farm, everyone is invited.
7) Car instructions, recommendations and explanations will be made by the enthusiasts, will be available at the farm when a track/drag strip/car show/car upgrading is taking place.
8) Car upgrades will be installed by professionals inside the farm garage when is available (this is just some roleplay for fun and entertainment, totally free).

If you have any suggestions (or even questions) regarding Marston Racing Industries, contact the company at their headquarters:
(PM @BlitZKrieG on the forums)
Whole page remade by @Hazza56 full thanks to him.
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