Server Suggestion Mask's bandana's/ski masks

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Description of the idea: a bandana you can purchase from Jennifer's and a ski mask you can buy from Jennifer's
Full explanation
Bandana- purchasable from Jennifer's colourable you can put it on using /act mask or by using the c menu the name above your head is changed to John doe or maybe it obstructs part of your name like A R O D V S N {example of my name} the police would be able to question you as to why you are wearing this

Ski mask -Purchasable from Jennifer's colourable you can put it on using /act bala or by using the c menu the name above your head is changed to john doe and completely obstructed the police also would be allowed to question you as to why you are wearing this
Why should this be added? (pros): cover up your face and you can colour it to match your ''Gang'' colour's or you could have some patterns

What negatives could this have? (cons): could be hard to add ectara but it seems like a simple model to make

*Other additions: [list here]

*Images: [useful images]
See the source image
I believe this would be a good idea to bring to the server, I've thought about this many times
If you have the mask equipped it could say [Masked Person] But everytime you die you'd have to rebuy it?
I hope to see this on the server!
I believe this would be a good idea to bring to the server, I've thought about this many times
If you have the mask equipped it could say [Masked Person] But everytime you die you'd have to rebuy it?
I hope to see this on the server!
so ophelia what my idea is its a item you would buy from jennifers and keep on you then use the c menu to put it on or do /act mask or /act bala to put it on and if you wore the balaclava it'd say part of your name such as {A R N D V S N} and then the bandana would say [masked person] but if you wore it police can question you why
Would like to see these added if they also remove names from above players heads. This would make. It very hard for officers or others to recognise you and would be good from hiding from cops or robberies
I don't think this is really needed unless if there's indeed a very good use to it rather than another clothing piece.

From what I can imagine the masks being; they'll be in your inventory, you hold Q and you left click to equip the bandana just like bobby pins and crowbars.
So that it won't be able to be abused, there will be a timer to take the bandana on and off, and maybe you can only have a mask if you're armed with a gun? Meaning that police officers won't look at you funny and force you to identify yourself.

The code for equipping whatever already exists and so does changing the color of your clothing. All that's really needed is for the mask to completely remove the name bar above your head with some other coding, ( that and a mask model ) although I don't know how long that takes or if it really is that simple.


This also means that the police law should be kept in mind; this makes it riskier to put on the mask around police officers for a joke, and they have the right to take you to jail just for keeping that mask on. Maybe it's a bit excessive though, but I feel like this can be easily abused.

6.8 Failure to identify to a Law Enforcement Officer​

Would like to see these added if they also remove names from above players heads. This would make. It very hard for officers or others to recognise you and would be good from hiding from cops or robberies
the idea with this it is tempoary so you can put it on and then bang kill someone rob a bank etcra and then put it away and blend back into the public also this could be used to represent gang's with colour etcra
I don't think this is really needed unless if there's indeed a very good use to it rather than another clothing piece.

From what I can imagine the masks being; they'll be in your inventory, you hold Q and you left click to equip the bandana just like bobby pins and crowbars.
So that it won't be able to be abused, there will be a timer to take the bandana on and off, and maybe you can only have a mask if you're armed with a gun? Meaning that police officers won't look at you funny and force you to identify yourself.

The code for equipping whatever already exists and so does changing the color of your clothing. All that's really needed is for the mask to completely remove the name bar above your head with some other coding, ( that and a mask model ) although I don't know how long that takes or if it really is that simple.


This also means that the police law should be kept in mind; this makes it riskier to put on the mask around police officers for a joke, and they have the right to take you to jail just for keeping that mask on. Maybe it's a bit excessive though, but I feel like this can be easily abused.

6.8 Failure to identify to a Law Enforcement Officer​

it can either be in the q menu or a act that will play a animation of you putting it on that can take from 0.5 to 1 second also the law could be changed so officers must
warn you to take it off and then they can detain you and id you then issue a small ticket also it'd be up to the admins to decide wether it'd be against the rules to constantly have it on also the clothing colour wouldnt change but it could if its not hard to do and the removing the name part is easy as it removes the name bar's for others when you are drunk so it'd be easy to add just borrow the code from that
Made the exact same suggestion, with the mask being a item in Q wheel, and the timer when putting it on, sadly this was denied. I would love to see this feature implemented as it would work greatly for raiding/mugging etc.
could work similar to the high-vis jacket for RTU?
While this idea is unnecessary as some people have pointed out, I don’t see how this would negatively affect the community, all I can see it doing is adding to RP.

Maybe you could have partial face coverings which only cover your last name too, these could be legal while full face coverings illegal?
it can either be in the q menu or a act that will play a animation of you putting it on that can take from 0.5 to 1 second also the law could be changed so officers must
warn you to take it off and then they can detain you and id you then issue a small ticket
Why would cops care that you're wearing a piece of cloth? Unless you're actively doing shady things, cops won't really have a need to identify you. This would be exceptionally useful in bank robberies or generally while doing something particularly illegal, like assassinating the mayor, or straight up taking out rival organization members who raided you.

The main problem is that, is this going to be an item in your inventory, or a Jennifer's clothing item permanently stuck to your body? An item would make more sense, and something you could obtain and customize at Jennifer's for a fee. In addition, if masks are added as equipment, maybe convert hats, glasses, gloves and rings into items that can be equipped? You know, as opposed to permanently glued to your head. There is additional space on the right side of your screen which could be used to display equipped accessories.

Naturally these things should take some time to equip and unequip, or you'd end up with Houdini over here turning the corner and becoming a completely different person while evading police.
An obvious downside to these things becoming items is that you could be mugged for them. Allow, disallow? Tophats are expensive you know. (inb4 getting robbed for your shoes)
I think this could be a really cool system, and freshen up people's wardrobes by letting us add and remove hats, glasses, gloves and rings at will.

I'll probably make my own suggestion about this, but if you agree and like to see it, feel free to incorporate it into your idea.
Why would cops care that you're wearing a piece of cloth? Unless you're actively doing shady things, cops won't really have a need to identify you. This would be exceptionally useful in bank robberies or generally while doing something particularly illegal, like assassinating the mayor, or straight up taking out rival organization members who raided you.

The main problem is that, is this going to be an item in your inventory, or a Jennifer's clothing item permanently stuck to your body? An item would make more sense, and something you could obtain and customize at Jennifer's for a fee. In addition, if masks are added as equipment, maybe convert hats, glasses, gloves and rings into items that can be equipped? You know, as opposed to permanently glued to your head. There is additional space on the right side of your screen which could be used to display equipped accessories.

Naturally these things should take some time to equip and unequip, or you'd end up with Houdini over here turning the corner and becoming a completely different person while evading police.
An obvious downside to these things becoming items is that you could be mugged for them. Allow, disallow? Tophats are expensive you know. (inb4 getting robbed for your shoes)
I think this could be a really cool system, and freshen up people's wardrobes by letting us add and remove hats, glasses, gloves and rings at will.

I'll probably make my own suggestion about this, but if you agree and like to see it, feel free to incorporate it into your idea.
what im suggesting is the mask is a item you buy from Jennifer's its on your person just like a ring etcra you do the /act or use the c menu and then it equips and if it were a item i think mugging them shouldn't be allowed and having muggable clothes is a suggestion that has been denied b4
could work similar to the high-vis jacket for RTU?
While this idea is unnecessary as some people have pointed out, I don’t see how this would negatively affect the community, all I can see it doing is adding to RP.

Maybe you could have partial face coverings which only cover your last name too, these could be legal while full face coverings illegal?
the rtu vest is a item you can equip right thats basicly what i mean so you can either have it a item not on the q menu and just on you and then you /act mask or /act bala to equip it and it does a animation and then equips it
The downside is with masks is that players are going to make reports when they mug someone with a mask on then get killed later on mask off.

If they served a real purpose such as delaying bank robbery warrants then I’d be fine with them though.
The downside is with masks is that players are going to make reports when they mug someone with a mask on then get killed later on mask off.

If they served a real purpose such as delaying bank robbery warrants then I’d be fine with them though.
yeah guess you are right it'd have to be added along with a rule change/changes tbh also the delaying the warrant part is actually a great idea
The downside is with masks is that players are going to make reports when they mug someone with a mask on then get killed later on mask off.

If they served a real purpose such as delaying bank robbery warrants then I’d be fine with them though
Could possibly have an issue with people reporting people wearing masks, could be very hard to find their name, especially if they don’t kill anyone etc?
Could possibly have an issue with people reporting people wearing masks, could be very hard to find their name, especially if they don’t kill anyone etc?
yeah true but admins are magical they'll figure it out
The downside is with masks is that players are going to make reports when they mug someone with a mask on then get killed later on mask off.

If they served a real purpose such as delaying bank robbery warrants then I’d be fine with them though.
Like hiding your identity while mugging or raiding someone isn't a useful thing
Would like to see these added if they also remove names from above players heads. This would make. It very hard for officers or others to recognise you and would be good from hiding from cops or robberies
They need to remove player names with the mask, otherwise it’s obsolete since cops will innately respond with the force they would’ve if they saw your face since they know you and how dangerous you are at that point OOC so it affects how they react IC.

Totally agreed

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