Server Suggestion Mayor Overhaul

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United Kingdom, Devon
Description of the idea: Adding the Mayor to become an OOC elected position selected by the community, ballot boxes could be located around the map, and individuals could rally support and advertise causing an influx of players. These elections I would suggest being every 2-3 months, the Mayor would then have the ability to bring in a Cabinet of sorts that would in RP meet and discuss laws + more. The specific powers of the Mayor should probably be discussed by the Community Manager + Community.

Why should this be added? (pros): More roleplay, allows for laws to be decided by players.

What negatives could this have? (cons): Meme elections, I don’t want J__ <Redacted> becoming Mayor. Allow for Senior Administration to shortlist the applicants to the final process, you could even have a debate in TeamSpeak which again, would attract players!

*Other additions:

i agree with this, could be a nice idea and adds a good bit of ROLEPLAY to the ROLEPLAY server
I can definitely see something like this working, at the moment there are clear patterns in who is mayor and it is usually someone winning over and over I've seen this happen for tinyslayer where he used to win them all then it happened for me and the last I saw it was the weird guy with the mingy SS. I think for this to work there needs to be a constitution and a lot of monitoring and rules from SA so we don't have someone who comes in and adds mingy laws such as restricting guns all together or making people pray to them or whatever
Or if the Mayor is stupid he could in RP be assassinated, his character renamed and then the office would be open causing IC havoc for actions from both the criminal organization that killed him and the incompetent mayor?
Mayyyybe? idk if we should PK a bad mayor as such just have them removed from office by SA such like I suppose the chief could be if he idk kept killing all his officers ( @Collier expect a visit from the Paralake DVLA ) And I have died to RDM and such as mayor loads of times so this may not be the best solution
I don't see this working out well considering people like to vary their play style or seem to randomly go afk for a bit, considering its unclear what players can do already I don't see this being a good addition(However I agree the mayor system needs reworked a lot)
Why should this be added? (pros): More roleplay, allows for laws to be decided by players.
I also don't see this being a good idea unless moderated by senior administration. I think what what you're baiscally explaining is city council, and to make that work you need active and devoted members.
Mayor and normal civilian is two different things, would be treated as going on duty still and NLR applies. I don't understand the AFK part? do you mean leave the server for a few weeks? I doubt anyone that makes a campaign would up and leave.

The cabinet would be dictated by the Mayor, the Community Manager should lead this not administration. This is roleplay by players, not an administrative issue is the broadest sense.
Also my idea was just accepted and I like the way @TinySlayer is planning to execute it using hopefully the first laws to vote on should be up there tomorrow
It's not that new and 91 people logged on to vote last time
Okay I see so like going on duty as police. I mean tbh with you husky I really wouldn't be suprised if they dipped for ages. I don't think another job should be put behind an application process either.
I’m confused, you want this to replace the current mayor job system? Elaborate.
fat winner, nazirp really cultivating the roleplaying imagination within its players, god bless

with this we could sort out the ever-present city council issue and it also just generally brings a lot of potential to the table with what the mayor could do, maybe could play a slight supervisory role over the pd and make sure any active chiefs dont go crazy?

really like this idea overall, heil l1nk
People logged onto it to vote for the CoD election because the websites usable in game. So yes, it would be used.
As far as I’m concerned the mayor system as is has its downs but overall is actually far more productive to the game mode as it offers a form of roleplay anyone can become if they win the election. Something like this just wouldn’t work for a game mode like perp. Having to win a community election to sit as mayor for a few months, making important decisions that will effect the gameplay experience of other players long-term overcomplicates the role heavily. It would also, once again, put a much beloved role on the server up on the high shelf, the same situation that drove people away when the PD implemented whitelisting.

Partially agree with the suggestion, and I see your point with it, and I do see some positives to it, but in my opinion, the mayor job should remain accessible to anyone who can scrape up enough votes. I enjoy the whole “Do what the people want or try surviving assassination attempts” aspect being mayor brings and feel as though the job should remain open with the possibility of even someone playing PERP for the first time ever could end up with.

if the city council didnt work, why would this?

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