Server Suggestion Mechanic Job

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Suggestion Title: Mechanic Job
Suggestion Description: The job Requires you to replace different parts of the car or service it in a realistic way for example rebuilding engines,rebuilding transmission, Suspension,Wheel alignment, and using the right tools for the job for example Air tools, Hand tools, Battery operated whatever is realistic comes to play. I think a User interface type of system should be used for dismantling a part from a car as well as putting it back together.

Why should this be added?:
- To have more oppurtunities with jobs in the city rather than have fewer jobs

What negatives could this have?:
-A lot of bugs can happen depends if its updated or not.

Useful Images:
Suggestion Title: Mechanic Job
Suggestion Description: The job Requires you to replace different parts of the car or service it in a realistic way for example rebuilding engines,rebuilding transmission, Suspension,Wheel alignment, and using the right tools for the job for example Air tools, Hand tools, Battery operated whatever is realistic comes to play. I think a User interface type of system should be used for dismantling a part from a car as well as putting it back together.

Why should this be added?:
- To have more oppurtunities with jobs in the city rather than have fewer jobs

What negatives could this have?:
-A lot of bugs can happen depends if its updated or not.

Useful Images:
Whilst it could be a potentially cool idea, i think it's just a bit too complex.

Perhaps if this was simplified to fixing back tyres, windows or whatever - it could work in theory as an addition to Roadcrew. But the other issue with complicating, what already at times feels like a tedious process, repairs or adding on servicing is that it would just generally bring down the QOL for owning a car - and getting into traffic situations.

Sometimes you can already be stranded awaiting RC for elongated periods of time depending on how busy the job is, or how competent the RC workers are. You don't really want people to be standing around waiting 20 or so minutes just so they can drive their cars again because of an overcomplicated feature.
Whilst it could be a potentially cool idea, i think it's just a bit too complex.

Perhaps if this was simplified to fixing back tyres, windows or whatever - it could work in theory as an addition to Roadcrew. But the other issue with complicating, what already at times feels like a tedious process, repairs or adding on servicing is that it would just generally bring down the QOL for owning a car - and getting into traffic situations.

Sometimes you can already be stranded awaiting RC for elongated periods of time depending on how busy the job is, or how competent the RC workers are. You don't really want people to be standing around waiting 20 or so minutes just so they can drive their cars again because of an overcomplicated feature.
This can also be shortended or become an independant job with npc cars.
Yeah ….
Maybe restructure your idea to what we do with paramedics; have them click on specific parts to repair--it would probably improve QoL in terms of roadcrew.
This can also be shortended or become an independant job with npc cars.
I think creating it as a independent job would undermine either job - why go to a mechanic if you can call roadcrew to you? Or why play a mechanic if you can be roadcrew?

If this got implemented as part of roadcrew, or a sub-division of roadcrew, whilst also keeping the process fairly simple, it could add some depth to the job and make it a bit more interesting. They'd just have to be careful between drawing the line of overcomplicating it and indirectly making the repair process too tedious. Especially since roadcrew is definitely one of the entry jobs for new-comers to PERP, don't want to complicate it too much when new users already struggle at times with RC lol
I remember another server having a system of modding peoples cars for them and it not being all that interesting and people rarely using it beyond joining the job to customise a friends car then leaving.

I don’t think a mechanic job implemented as described would do anything.

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