Community Suggestion Medic and firefighter change plus other jobs

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gg church
Suggestion Title: Medic and firefighter change plus other jobs
Suggestion Description: So I’ve been thinking these last couple of days and checking the blacklists there are a lot of black list on firefighter and medic even this idea could go to taxi drivers and road crew as well

But last year there was a lot of people
Who went on cop and use to just rdm minge around then it got changed you need 12 hours play time and a different test was made

So I think they should do the same with the other jobs make it so you need a certain amount of play time and make a whole new test which I don’t mind helping out with to do ethier

This stopped a lot of minge cops so I feel like it would stop this as well as they have had then time to learn the rules and everything and then have also had time to know the rules on a medic and other jobs

My other idea is when people go on firefighter they kill people with the fire axe and that is cause they minge so they should not get the fire axe until they reached the firefighter level and passed the junior firefighter as they have then been trusted on firefighter then and know what there doing

I dont see many building property’s as it is anyway and if there is there are police on who can breach the property if need to be

Feel like this would help a lot with the minge and also a lot of black list

Why should this be added?:
- stop people from minging

What negatives could this have?:
- less people on jobs

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Less people from minging and rdm and make sure they learn the rules before hand
how about players can apply for the jobs BUT they join the job as probationary Medic or Firefighter what this means they need to do something to reach junior rank for example patrol with a higher ranking medic or firefighter to get xp to rank up + gain experience
how about players can apply for the jobs BUT they join the job as probationary Medic or Firefighter what this means they need to do something to reach junior rank for example patrol with a higher ranking medic or firefighter to get xp to rank up + gain experience
As probationary rank they can’t spawn cars and get limited tools*
As probationary rank they can’t spawn cars and get limited tools*
I don’t agree bc medic need there tools and can’t kill people with them

They can with the defib but takes a while not with the fire axe and it’s a very fast at killing
Overall I don't believe this would effect the minging of jobs and in general the problems that these types of people cause, if they are unable to minge on a job, they will instead minge on civ, killing players with baseball bats, tiering vehicles by stealing them etc.

Also Firefighters should not have the fire axe locked to a rank under any circumstances, as they require it to get into on fire properties and put out the ongoing fire.(Although they shouldn't even be able to damage people with the axe in the first place imo, as it creates more problems then it fixes)

All this suggestion would end up doing is obstructing those who actually wish to play as a government employee and attempting to get started in PERP(as many players go on jobs first before learning the civillian/ cop side of things) In a significant way, meaning more new players will just be frustrated with the systems and won't actually want to stick around to play the server.
Overall I don't believe this would effect the minging of jobs and in general the problems that these types of people cause, if they are unable to minge on a job, they will instead minge on civ, killing players with baseball bats, tiering vehicles by stealing them etc.

Also Firefighters should not have the fire axe locked to a rank under any circumstances, as they require it to get into on fire properties and put out the ongoing fire.(Although they shouldn't even be able to damage people with the axe in the first place imo, as it creates more problems then it fixes)

All this suggestion would end up doing is obstructing those who actually wish to play as a government employee and attempting to get started in PERP(as many players go on jobs first before learning the civillian/ cop side of things) In a significant way, meaning more new players will just be frustrated with the systems and won't actually want to stick around to play the server.
I agree with the firefighter section they should be able to damage people with it
I understand the point you have here, however I believe that for a majority of new players, jobs are an interesting starting point on the server.

With the police, thats understandable to prevent complete sweaters to getting free firearms and "power" as they are just not experienced enough to understand the law, policies, and the works of the police.
I think that 12hr requirement is there for them to have some interactions with the police as civilians, to understand how stuff works on the server.

For the other jobs - yes I guess it is a problem for everyone. Police pursuits of RC trucks and taxis are quite often, and quite often they are not compliant and trying to flee. I've seen numerous FFs slashing civilians with their fire axes too, however I've seen much more new players having fun, and quickly learning the jobs, doing it properly.

Also, in numerous helpdesk tickets from people that just joined and did the missions, I point out that a great strategy of getting some starter money is becoming a gov employee. What else would they do? Of course they can start growing drugs, but it's very limiting, and also not that easy. They will have to get some guns to defend themselves, and most likely get raided in the first 2 hours.

So in conclusion, I believe that this will help with the problem, however it will also limit new players, who are willing to obey the rules a lot. I think we will just have to deal with rogue RC and taxi drivers.
It's better to just let these people go on duty and troll/ minge to get their ban out of the way. The intent of a player isn't limited by access to a job.

PD is limited by playtime due to needing to understand the law, and the rules more comprehensively than other jobs, as well as the fact you get given a firearm and authority over other players.

If we started limiting all the other jobs there would be nothing for new players to do.

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