Megafro AR - Attempted RDM lmfao L8r B

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Professional Stripper
Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: R-Flex
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @MegaFro and BlinD
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:120899456
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Attempted to RDM me with his friend.

My only involvements with him were:
- Asking him for free stuff once.
- Offering him free burgers at Mcuwes twice.

Evidence (Demo Required):

You'd think having 17 bans and 16 warnings you'd know not to RDM.

Tick: L8r b
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You were harassing me and then got a gun out, I thought that you were involved in the mugging.
You were harassing me and then got a gun out, I thought that you were involved in the mugging.
Dont bullshit lmfao I wasn't even on the server when you were mugged. You killed me for no reason whatsoever.
He also tried to RDM me as cop again by wallbanging while I was AFK. After I killed them both, they came back after NLR and wallbanged at me again. When @Super_ came online they told him they were "fucking around" and wanted to "give me a shootout" for no reason whatsoever breaking 2.5, 3.5 and 4.1

Megafro's friend stored your AK while the situation was still going on by the way. We were able to kill his friend but he stored Dai's AK-101 already so we weren't able to get it back. It would be nice if I was be able to do a refund request.
The first video: People were harassing me and they had guns, so I though I will get shot, and this guy joined in, he was blocking my path with his minicooper when I tried to escape Cody and some other guy who was in his car. I then saw the guy who made the AR on me pull a gun out, I thought he will kill me (They mugged me before too so I was extra causious).

The second video: My friend and I were bored, I don't see why you decided to include that video if Super dealt with the situation and we stopped.
We did break rules but we stopped after Super told us to.
From my prespective:
Cody pointed a gun at me, and then started leaving or something, I started leaving with my car too, then he chased me around for a couple of mins and you then block my path by driving up to the front of my car with your mini, then after like 30 seconds I see you pull an AK out lol
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