Melee Overhaul And Additions

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Main Idea:
The idea of this suggestion is to add more melee weapons and to overhaul a few aspects to the melee system. I think the melee weapons are a bit of a joke at the moment, when someone pulls out a knife you borderline laugh at him because they are so weak. I think adding some new weapons and updating how they work will spice things up and make melee weapons a force to be reckoned with. There is a vast variety of guns and only 3 accessible melee weapons in the poll a few months ago it was included in the vote to add more melee weapons, i feel like if they were more balanced and more choices are added you would probably see them getting used more.

Full description of the idea:

Im going to split the update into 2 sections:

Blunt/Hack/Chop Weapons:

First i would like to say that weapons like the bat, machete and the items listed below that usually impact the brain would do concussive damage and would blur the vision momentarily like seen in this video

I think that would be a fair buff to add or even make a direct hit to the head an instant kill like a bullet would? It up for debate and IMO it would be overpowered because it would be on par with a bullet and you would have to be up close and personal to get a direct hit, if a baseball bat is 2 hits to the head then surely a machete/axe/cleaver should be a 1 hit.

Addition To Hacking/Chopping/Blunt Weapons
I think they would be easy to implement and could just reskin the machete?

Meat Cleaver:



Would be cool as fuck to pull cleavers on cunts and whack them with it who disagrees?
Chinese or European either would be cool

I like the hatchet but others might like the more tactical version of the axe either one would be cool to carry around.

I dont think the hammer should be a one hit like the others but instead just like the baseball bat concussive damage and 2 hits to the head maybe.

Why is this not implemented already i have seen people with them before and think everyone should be able to have them.


Just like before i think the knives should also have a buff or 3. My first idea would be to increase the speed of which the knife stabs, at the moment its faster to swing a machete than it is to stab with a knife its ridiculous and its one of the reasons the knife is so underpowered.

Example of the speed of the knife vs machete (almost twice as fast which is not right)

Example of how quick knife attacks can be, in a quick succession and little pause between stabs is how it should be.

Second idea i came up with is to speed up the time it takes to bleed out from a knife wound. This is just broken, i ran a test in which i got stabbed in the NECK and it took me just OVER 3 MINUTES TO BLEED OUT and on top of that i was only badly/majorly injured each time. You could literally hit a guy in the neck with a knife and he could take the monorail to the hospital and still probably survive. (video is avalible if no one believes me)

Last buff for the knives is when you stab someone they flinch and their aim is knocked off. I think this is a fair addon because it would be extremely hard to keep your gun aimed straight when you are getting stuck with a knife irl.

Addition To Knives:

Kitchen/Hunting Knife
Bigger is better

Switchblade/Small Knife
I dont know how hard the animation for a switchblade would be so i gave another option of just a smaller knife in case it would be too difficult.

To finish off i would like to add that ALL MELEE WEAPONS should be able to cripple peoples legs and be able to finish people off. At the moment only the knife is able to finish off moaning corpses when all the weapons are more than capable of doing the same. All the weapons mentioned above would be able to cripple some cunt if they are hit in the legs making running away all the more difficult.
Here are some examples of getting hit in the leg and being able to sprint like nothing happened. i think this is highly realistic, if someone gets hit in the legs with any of the weapons above i think they would have a hard time walking. Again a bullet can do it why can't these other weapons.

Why should it be added?:
I feel like i speak for alot of people when i say melee weapons are broken and need reboot, they have potential if they are done correct. The suggestion recieved alot of positive feedback on the discussion which makes me believe people want this to happen.

Revive the melee weapons and the system.
Adds more variety just like the guns which we have more than enough of.

People might not appreciate the hard work that will be needed for this suggestion to be added because people outright think guns are better than melee weapons.

*Other additions:
I was thinking about some knuckledusters also, they would do more damage than an ordinary fist and have a much higher chance of making someone bleed

*Images: Images already linked
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Aye a wanna stab n smack cunts with more shit +support

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