Metal trim missclick

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Västervik, Sweden
In game name is : Ossie Walter
Steam id is : STEAM_0:0:65605465
Reason : Is that I've made a missclick and got all broke

Okay so I was at the cardealer checking out metal trim for my new car i was looking at the price of every trim-kit and in order to see the price you have to click customize and then a 2nd window pops up this one shows the price and then there is these two buttons that are fairly small and really close to each other. I mean why isnt there a Price list or something so that you can't do such thing by a mistake.

I mean really why would i purchase any trim-kit if i dont have any spare money after doing it. And im not the person that cares so much about the reflection changes between the trims or the small colour changes between steel and silver. So if i would have 500k and purchase this by accident i still would have refund it cause its not worth paying 100k for those minor differences between the kits.

I dont have much of a evidence except for this picture that i've made.

Evidence/proof thingy :
Denied - It was your fault really buddy, you just need to be careful next time.
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