Moon shine

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Description of the idea:
Adding distilleries as a craft able / purchasable item.

Hello there I'd love to see a update were you add moon shine and alcohols making in general
so any distilled drink such as moon shine beer etc is illegal
and non distilled drink such as wine,cider,mead etc is legal but lower selling prices
you can locate a drink buyer and seller at the forest that sells yeast and stills for a fee or you can craft your own still etc
I'd love to see the system be similar to meth were the ingredients you add determine the quality of the batch and the quantity you get you could also get a new use for empty bottles etc
you could also open back up the fruit market and sell fruits like grapes apples etc what ever you need for the type of drinks you add right you could also chuck in banana's etc or some shite
you can also have bread yeast be sold at the gas stations and drink specific yeast sold at the drink buyer in the forrest

Why should this be added? (pros):
it would be a cool and exciting way of making some cash with the route to go illegal or legally about it

What negatives could this have? (cons):
may be complicated due to having to add new models and a quality system like meth having to add yeast and fruits and a new npc in the forrest
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Copy paste this to your main suggestion as you need to follow the format dude.

Description of the idea:
Adding distilleries as a craft able / purchasable item.

Hello there I'd love to see a update were you add moon shine and alcohols making in general
so any distilled drink such as moon shine beer etc is illegal
and non distilled drink such as wine,cider,mead etc is legal but lower selling prices
you can locate a drink buyer and seller at the forest that sells yeast and stills for a fee or you can craft your own still etc
I'd love to see the system be similar to meth were the ingredients you add determine the quality of the batch and the quantity you get you could also get a new use for empty bottles etc
you could also open back up the fruit market and sell fruits like grapes apples etc what ever you need for the type of drinks you add right you could also chuck in banana's etc or some shite
you can also have bread yeast be sold at the gas stations and drink specific yeast sold at the drink buyer in the forrest

Why should this be added? (pros):
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What negatives could this have? (cons):
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btw the legal way is from making non distilled alcohol like wine cider etc
and the illegal way is from distilled alcohol like beer moon shine anything distilled
Also, here's my opinion on this idea.

A home brew distillery was something I was actually going to suggest. For making beer, here's how this could work:
- You craft a home brewery.
- You purchase hops, wheat, yeast and empty glass bottles from the Pub NPC
- You cook up lake water, hops and wheat into the mixture
- You get to fill an empty box of beer with it.

so any distilled drink such as moon shine beer etc is illegal
I don't think moonshine beer is a real thing. Moonshine is essentially corn whiskey made crudely without any flavour-creating processes done to it (Cask aging, etc) out of convenience that was created illegally during the prohibition period in the united states.

Moonshine is available nowadays from liquour stores, usually specialist ones, made similarly to how they made it back in the day but with less risk of being poisoned or the creators dying in a firey explosion.

you can also have bread yeast be sold at the gas stations and drink specific yeast sold at the drink buyer in the forrest
Dunno what the point would be to have a shady alcoholic NPC Hiding out in the woods since this isn't a Prohibition era themed server. I'd suggest having this done at the pub locations instead. I like the idea of "Cheaper" beer being an option though.

Another factor here that hasn't been taken into account is the beer you acquire at the pub docs NPC is already significantly cheaper than most other items at about $150 a bottle to purchase. Would the materials and process necessary to acquire beer be cheaper and easier than just buying it from an NPC?

Nice idea overall, with a few adjustments and a large community discussion I reckon we could devise a system getting this working for the whole community.

Beer isn't distilled the same way as spirits are so I'd see no reason to make it illegal to make.
you can add other types of machines etc for beer cider etc you can also add a aging barrel that depending on how many hours or mins you age your wine it adds more value to it so some wines can sell for 10k a bottle but they must be aged for hours and of course you can pick up the barrels and store them but that doesnt age it and when you are back you can keep aging it
we could remove the normal alcohol bottles and replace the whole drinking system with this new one but then you have the issue of the old beers becoming valueable as the amount in circulation decreases also idk how to add a poll
maybe the normal beer right will be the cheap shit and the play made stuff will be the stuff that gets you really fucked up
also @BigBenji the reason the person would be hiding in the forest is to buy untaxed booze like the moon shine and beer because in the us distilled alcohol is illegal unless you pay taxes but unstilled alcohol is legal like wine and cider and mead etc
also for wine and beer you would need diffrent machines for the making like a apple press all of the shit idk the specific tools but you get the point you can also add a thing that you have to step onto the grapes to make wine or smthin i think this is something that needs more refining etc befour it is added and i guess the coders etc will do that refining
No legislation in the Paralake Penal code requiring taxes specifically on alcohol.
well that could be added if the system is planned more i just need ppl to help me get this great idea moved on and not dead in the water or moved to the cant be arsed section
If you click this button you can reply to posts instead of making an entirely separate post to reply to a comment by the way.

oh i didnt know that oops also do you mind helping me actually get this idea moved up the people that can plan and make shit happen please
i dont want this moved to the cant be fucked area this idea is the best idea ive had and i think it deserves a good shot at being a feature its something i'd fucking love to see
ok im going to go afk for a bit but please share this about to make sure it doesnt move to the excessive or cant be fucked area just share this to the right ppl if you can because this idea would change the game in a massivly good way
is it me althought all the votes were yes or yes with more planning this still flopped in june

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