More Clothing Pieces.

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Description of the idea:
Alright so! I do wish to say, I do love the clothings we got right now but I feel we need more variety of them! Such as adding new suits, shirts, pants, boots, hats and the likes. I mean it'd be really nice to have some more "professional" looking suits like these perhaps as well as masks for robberies and the likes to create more immersion.. I know they are from another model pack but its just using them as an example! ((Also I do know these are from another mod pack but I do still really love these types of suits and clothing. I sadly cant find anything else to use as an example on the workshop or even from IRL and the likes.))



It'd also be nice to add in some more hats, so perhaps adding something like these?


Why should this be added? (pros):
I guess the pro's is more clothing to wear, and more variety to choose between to make you look very different from many of the others.

What negatives could this have? (cons):
I aint sure what con's these might have except maybe more stuff needing to be downloaded to the server, as well as if you have more varieties of clothing it'll make it much easier to point out who is who and whatnot then before but I dont really see that as a con but I cant think of anything else.

*Other additions:

Images is up above!


  • 167711.jpg
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I like the idea of the suits, it would definitely give more variety to people who want to do some sort of mafia roleplay/ organisation. Not so sure about the Robber uniforms though, they don't look as nice. They look more DarkRP Ish.
Yeah I mostly am pointing at the actual suits though. Masks for bank robberies can be alright but only then. Mostly I want them as normal outfits that you can use daily. Either as businessmen, Mafia or whatever else you wanna use em for.
Make sure you add a poll! It should be near the top left or right near "edit" and "add a poll".
Yeah have to agree. The robber ones do remind me of darkrp. The other suits do look nice though and as Jimmy said it would be cool for different orgs to have a different style instead of all the same suits and just a different colour. I would love to see these added :)
Id love a good variety in suits and other fancy clothing, but I want that finger snap emote with it!
I like the idea of new clothing, but not like hyper realistic clothing tbh. PERP has a sort of cartoony niche to it that gives it a unique feel.

Also Add trenchcoats so I can “Don’t come to bazaar tomorrow”

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