Police Suggestion More training server permissions for trainers/command members

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Brief description of idea: The description of this idea is to increase permissions for trainers and command members on the training server. Now I'm not saying to just basically give everybody session lead perms, but sometimes it can be hard for trainers to effectively carry out their duties without having to rely on someone with session lead to fix a car, heal someone, a command member+ to uncuff a somebody, etc. All I'm asking for is permissions to be more balanced and looked at more methodically. I can understand the dislike for wanting to increase permissions, however, I believe trainers can be trusted, and if they abuse these powers they will just get removed and risk never getting them back, and to be honest, a lot of necessary permissions barely even allow abuse on the training server due to certain stats not even mattering unless you're on the main server.

Sorry for this not being too brief, I just wanted to ensure a few things are put across.

What benefits would this idea have for the department: Trainers will be able to conduct their duties much more effectively and efficiently and individuals with certain roles and permissions such as session lead won't have to keep wasting their time to do some arguably minor things that other trainers can't even do themselves.

What potential negatives could this have for the department: I can't really think of anything, abuse most likely won't be a problem as current permissions allow trainers to piss about as it is, I'm just asking for more permissions for trainers to do their job better and more easily, if they don't do their job properly they will just be removed.

Other additions: Nothing to really say for other additions, just use your own intuition with this, such as deciding what permissions to add. Also, please understand that the benefits of this will certainly and undoubtedly outweigh any negatives, despite what permissions are added, I strongly believe trainers can be trusted with extended permissions, especially as the only thing they will be able to get out of abusing their permissions is disciplinary action.
Apparently there were certain logistical problems when someone asked about this before, allegedly it isn't possible to give specific permissions or something, but I'm certain it's possible to extend permissions one way or another.

EDIT: The text and functionality of certain god stick permissions were even edited recently for command members+ so I don't see how this is impossible?

I apologise if there are genuine issues I was only made aware of them after I posted this, it just seems a bit strange that whatever was said is simply impossible.
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It's basically a bunch of boxes that is ticked, or "categories" that contain a whole bunch of permissions. It is therefore not possible to give permission to specific things. This would require changes to the permission system's code.
Permissions are actually not too flexible at the moment, I would be in full support of adding a sort of tags system for individual commands that can be granted on a trust base for ranks. Such as allowing people to use some of the fun commands without giving them ESP and anything related to dev tools. It wouldn’t be a huge challenge but it’d just require someone to sit down and redesign an already solid system.
For all organised sessions on the training server, there should be a commanding officer or command member attending. They will most often be given session lead which has elevated permissions, and has all of the permissions that should be needed for the session. There has been trainers in the past who’ve misused their powers, and I can say for sure that they won’t be the last. Just because you may be responsible doesn’t mean that everyone will be unfortunately.

You should not be on the training server unless you’ve been authorised by a member of Senior Management, or you’re attending a planned session.

Maybe you could list the permissions (in full) that you feel should be considered and we’ll discuss in a meeting, please also give reasons as to why you feel they’d be beneficial and/or required for the training officer role.
From the top of my mind

Fix legs
Heal bleeding
Fix car engine
Repair car tyres
Full vehicle fix

Don't know how you would be able to abuse those commands, and they are necessary for every training session as now you have to spam the session lead for them.
Some permissions can be misused and have been misused in the past, of course there’s some exceptions. We’ll discuss all suggested changes in the meetings though don’t worry.
Yea, when I said this has to be possible somehow I kinda meant changes like that, however, if it is too much trouble then no worries
This is pretty much everything I meant other than things like toggle arrest that @Saint Wylde mentioned.
@Tom like I tried to explain that these perms cant really be abused at all. Even if even more increased permissions are added, it won't have any negatives, if they abuse, remove them. With what you're saying you may as well give all trainers standard user/premium permissions because I highly, highly doubt new permissions are gonna make everyone completely forget about all the current permissions that trainers currently have that can and have been abused before.

With this said, I do understand your argument completely @Tom, please don't think that I don't, but trainers are already way more than capable of abusing their permissions as it is. The training server is also a relatively closed environment so if anything does happen, it's usually very well contained and I've never heard of anything that extreme coming from people abusing.
@nutrient10 I’d say it’s unfair to say that all permissions can be misused, there’s some that aren’t really that bad on the training server, so I hope you don’t feel that’s what I’m trying to say. The issue is, as @Madda and others have pointed out, the permissions are in groups and not individual, so adding one permission would mean adding others with it. Obviously we’ll discuss this and look into adding some extra permissions to the rank if we feel it’s needed, but command members & session lead should be able to help you in the meantime.
@Tom Not all permissions can be misused, it's like saying Vehicle Information can somehow be abused. As stated by Madda ofc it's not simple as we think and a bit more complex, which is understandable I guess. It'd be nice to get new permissions to help us within our duties though as RTT, TFTO, ETC.
@Tom Alright, I knew there were issues after I made the initial post, however, someone said it was impossible which I thought was a rather silly thing to say, I just didn't know how easy or difficult it would actually be
I’m not too sure, this’ll be discussed in one of the upcoming SMT meetings though don’t worry.

We'll look into exactly what permissions we're going to give both "Police Command" and "Training Officer" ranks on the Training Server, but we'll look to give more permissions that'll aid you in your duties.
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