MOTD Improvement

Reaction score
England, Norfolk
Topic: MOTD

Short explanation (in notes): Update the MOTD so new players would read the rules more when joining

Detailed description (why should it become added/...): Okay you just joined the server and see the MOTD pop up and think just click accept i know dark RP rules. Seconds later they get into an admin sit I have looked at the MOTD and think that 10 seconds wait is not enough. My idea is to increase it to 20-40 so they would actually take time to read the rules and yes I agree some could just wait and I have a few ideas about that in the optional that could help.

My research into the MOTD leads me to believe that it is not enough for the massive amount of rules. This may or may not work as some may not read all of them due to the massive list but here is a few ideas that could help.

Optional additions:
- Add a disclaimer that opens when "I accept" is clicked where you have to scroll all the way down to click I Agree.
- A Small test appears testing you on some of the rules just like Clockwork and similar.
- Another Button is added called "I do not understand something" Which alerts any of the staff on the server.