Remove the word limit on the organisation MOTD (seen in F3)

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39.007238, 126.281624
Discussion Post:
Remove the word limit in the organization MOTD (seen in F3)

Full description of the idea:
At this moment, there is a word limit in the organisation MOTD since it is there and nobody really knows why. The MOTD is supposed to be a blackboard of relevant information for all organisation members and can be very useful for displaying those as it is very easily and fastly accessible. Yet, organisation members and leaders are prevented to make full use of that brilliant way to inform other organisation members with a very strict word limit which gives them the ability to only write around 4 lines of short text. It is time to give these leaders and members the ability to use that way of informing other members, by removing the MOTD world limit.

Why should it be added?: As already said, the MOTD is a brilliant and easy way to inform other organisation members relevant and important information, including, but not limited to; enemies, warranted organisation members, agenda and/or rules. The MOTD word limit prevents organisation leaders and members to provide their members with this relevant information (at least in the fast and easy way the MOTD would do).

Why is it there then?

Nobody knows and probably it was just a restriction that was already given in the original PERP version. But considering we have talented and skilled developers, it shouldn't be a problem to remove this word limit as it does nothing but unnecessarily handicaps this function and organisations (both criminal and passive) in general.

  • Easier way for organisations to have their members informed on various things
  • More active gang wars (helps the server population) due to the point below, as they are more informed of enemies and have a clear KOS list.
  • Better structure for organizations
  • Support for PassiveRP organizations

  • Criminal organisations have a way to inform their members about warranted members or allies. Police officers could face faster assistance from friends, against officers, when trying to arrest a warranted suspect
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I haven't removed the limit completely, but it is now 10x higher. Let me know if there are any issues with the new limit, and we can look at increasing it again.
