Move 11.9: Discharging a firearm to section 7

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11.9: Discharging a firearm should be moved to section 7: Offensive weapons.

This is to ensure that the law itself is moved into the category pertaining to offensive weapons, as discharging a weapon, in the law itself, admits that this doesn’t have to be done within a private domicile to apply as a crime.

The addition aims to achieve a more formatted law sheet without this being considered a section 11 offence.

This makes total sense imo, like why tf would they put a weapon charge in property, like it kinda makes sense but also doesnt. +1
Cant see a negative to this, more a QOL change, it never made sense why its under Section 11
You can't move a specific crime: you repeal one and create another. So we would be left with a gap at 11.9, which I'm not sure if the systems are prepared to handle.
You can't move a specific crime: you repeal one and create another. So we would be left with a gap at 11.9, which I'm not sure if the systems are prepared to handle.
Can't you just simply move the numbers 1 by 1 till it goes up to 12.15 again?
11.9 is specific about discharging a weapon in a public or private dwelling, and is an infraction. How about this instead:
Modify 11.9 to remove public buildings and focus on private property, as that is the only place where it should be considered a lesser charge.
11.9: Discharging a Firearm
Any person who discharges a firearm in a private property, unless for Self Defence and the Defence of Others (see law 2.1) commits an offence.
Infraction - liable to $2,000 maximum fine and asset forfeiture.

And add this, for shooting a gun anywhere else without a valid reason, more in line with Section 7 offences.
7.9: Use of Offensive Weapons
Any person who discharges a firearm in a public area without a reasonable excuse commits an offence.
Felony - liable to 3 years maximum imprisonment, $3,000 maximum fine and asset forfeiture.
11.9 is specific about discharging a weapon in a public or private dwelling, and is an infraction. How about this instead:
Modify 11.9 to remove public buildings and focus on private property, as that is the only place where it should be considered a lesser charge.
11.9: Discharging a Firearm
Any person who discharges a firearm in a private property, unless for Self Defence and the Defence of Others (see law 2.1) commits an offence.
Infraction - liable to $2,000 maximum fine and asset forfeiture.

And add this, for shooting a gun anywhere else without a valid reason, more in line with Section 7 offences.
7.9: Use of Offensive Weapons
Any person who discharges a firearm in a public area without a reasonable excuse commits an offence.
Felony - liable to 3 years maximum imprisonment, $3,000 maximum fine and asset forfeiture.
I think this does a wonderful job of solving the initial problem and makes sense with the entire repeal/create conundrum, my only concern is that police will still abuse 3.7/3.8 to barge into every Regal apartment or Glass to find the one sweater who accidentally discharged their Makarov. In public, it's understandably a Felony, but an in-home Infraction shouldn't trigger a department-wide emergency for a cavity search.
I think this does a wonderful job of solving the initial problem and makes sense with the entire repeal/create conundrum, my only concern is that police will still abuse 3.7/3.8 to barge into every Regal apartment or Glass to find the one sweater who accidentally discharged their Makarov. In public, it's understandably a Felony, but an in-home Infraction shouldn't trigger a department-wide emergency for a cavity search.
I can't see how any law reform is gonna change that. Generally speaking, folks should avoid shooting guns in their home unless they have to.