Server Suggestion MP5A4 rebalance

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Suggestion Title: MP5A4 rebalance
Suggestion Description: Rebalancing the MP5A4 as so it has less recoil than it currently does.

Proportionally there’s almost nothing the MP5A4 does that the MP5/10 does better. Due to its weird shooting animation misleading its users and fire rate kicking up recoil that rivals some rifles. Whilst it’s not unmanageable for me, the MP5 could be so much more than it is, just like it was when you maxed out SMG marksmanship.

In real life the MP5’s roller block action, light caliber and solid metal build meant that it secured its place even after the UMPs designed to replace it failed to do so effectively.

Having the MP5A4 perform how it used to when you maxed out your sub machine gun marksmanship was what made it so good back in the day. It came with its own advantages and disadvantages. Unfortunately nowadays people here either go for the UMP for it’s more manageable recoil and higher power, or the MP5K for its concealment factor. Unfortunately for many players, a middle ground compromise isn’t worth it and the MP5A4 doesn’t really have much merit to it over other options.

People even end up using other concealable SMGs to the MP5 solely because of how it handles, plus its not concealable like the others.

Ideally the MP5 should perform almost as well without a comp as it does with one, allowing a compensator to give a very low recoil rate. If balance is an issue with low recoil guns, maybe changing the spread a little could be beneficial. If I were able to make the change myself, I would cut around 10% of its muzzle climb.

Just to be clear, this is not suggesting any other MP5 be rebalanced as those are fine as-is. MP5/10 is kinda rough with its recoil but it’s shooting the second most powerful SMG round at a high rate of fire.

Why should this be added?:
- Realistic
- MP5a4 has more reason to exist.
- A slight shift in the metas.
- In terms of balance this probably won’t cause a complete meltdown of how PVP works, as there’s already

What negatives could this have?:
- Some might say because Light TFU get it with compensators and the good stock, making them potentially more powerful (Even though they already get the UMP Laser rifle).

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Consolidates the existence of the MP5A4 as a weapon on the server and makes a great gun great again.
I would definitely love to see some balancing on the mp5a4. It is a severely neglected gun on crim, making this another gun worth using.
This gun is already quite easy to use and considering its an SMG its recoil isn't necessary for it to be viable for long range

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