MrWolfX AR

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Jack P. | Thunderbolt Hosting / Jack Peteson
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: MrWolfX/Not Sure
His/Her SteamID: Not Sure, Check the video(Can't see rn due to quality)
Why Should This Player Be Punished: I had just escaped from a shootout and was standing on the street, talking with someone trying to not get shot or anything, all of a sudden I end up dead. In the video you can see MrWolfX aiming towards the street, but there was no cops or anything, so either he tried killing the medic(Without any reason), where I would've died in crossfore(Which I doubt cause medic revived me without being shot, or he just shot me without reason.

@Gimic Told me he shot me, but he was AFK when we were about to do a sit.
Evidence (Demo Required):
I think it was actually me, i thought the medic was some officer peeking so i shot towards him i wasn't sure that it actually killed you in the crossfire, my apologies jack <3

poor little duski thought i was shooting a cop so he assisted me shooting towards the medic hitting u probably @MrWoLfX
I've spoken with Bobo, and was told that @MrWoLfX Apparently thought I was an officer, since he was AFK when we were doing Admin sit, he couldn't have told this, so you can close this as I believe it might've been an accident/misunderstanding.
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