Mugging change or new rule

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Hung Chows Home
I think that the fact that you can not kill after a mugging needs to be mentioned specifically rather than just being covered by 3.3 as some people may argue that it is realistic. It would make it easier for staff if they could state a rule that said specifically that It is not aloud. even if it was mentioned in 5.1 I feel like it would help to just have that action specifically mentioned in the rules.
+Support I agree with this, i think that the fact that u can tie and gag NPCs shall be added too.
Personally I would prefer it if you can't mug in front of npc, as I get mugged whilst buying materials in city shops
Griim R34per said:
+Support I agree with this, i think that the fact that u can tie and gag NPCs shall be added too.
To avoid breaking 5.1 you have to tie the npc after you put him/it at gunpoint. So your post is useless.
Puma123 said:
They updated rule 5.1, so go check that out.
I was trying to get across the fact that people don't understand that they can't kill come one after mugging them because of 2.5 so It should be specified. It still isn't even after the rule update.
Hmm, MoronPipylld suggested this to me a while ago. Maybe we could put it under 2.5 - Excessive Negativity as an example possibly. We'll discuss it on TS3 some time and try and get this added as it does happen quite frequently.
Swiper The Fox said:
Hmm, MoronPipylld suggested this to me a while ago. Maybe we could put it under 2.5 - Excessive Negativity as an example possibly. We'll discuss it on TS3 some time and try and get this added as it does happen quite frequently.
Yeah I talked with him too, I believe he typed an alteration to this if you wanna grab this or we can do it before he gets back, up to you fam :)
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