Mugging for dummies

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Zagreb, Croatia
Right, I think we can all agree that mugging improperly is one of the most common issues ingame. I'm just making a friendly guide to new players that will teach them a copule of things:
  • How to mug
  • Where to mug
  • Why you should mug people
  • Risks of mugging
  • Other
How to mug?
What you will need is a pistol, a magazine, pistol ammo and awareness.

Step 1: locate a person you would like to rob.

Step 2: wait untill they go somewhere out of public view.

Step 3: take your gun out and keep aiming it at the person. As long as you have your sights on them, they have to obey all your commands.

Step 4: state your demands. Command them to drop your items and their money. If needed call a staff member to search the person you're robbing.

Step 5: escape

Where to mug?

If you ever try to mug someone follow the thing I call 'The Triangle Of Awareness'.
  1. Make sure you're out of the view of any people or NPCs. Also, make sure you're mugging in a dark (alley, woods...) or private (appartment) location.
  2. Make sure the person doesn't have friends nearby that could possibly assist them.
  3. Make sure something doesnt break gunpoint between you and your victim.
Why you should mug people?

Mugging is an easy way to gain a small chunk of cash. You can gain anything from 500$ and a burger, to drugs, guns and crafting materials. However, it comes with its own risks like:
  1. If the person remembers your face you might get killed.
  2. You might die mid mug because you didn't follow the TRIANGLE OF AWARENESS!
  3. Most of the time you're gonna gain a smaller ammount of money by mugging for an hour than you would by being a cop for an hour.
Mugging is most profitable when you do it mid raid (when you've detained everyone with zipties).
If you're looking for a 100% success durring a mug, make sure you don't have an empty gun and enough ammo. Also bring a friend along so one can always preform gunpoint while the other one is grabbing the items.
By firing a shot, the gunpoint rules go out the window ( see ) since once shots have been fired, it's perfectly valid for the person you're mugging to run away or defend themself.
Just to add on to this guide unofficially, here's what not to do as a mugger while mugging someone.

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