Multiple Gun Bag

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Main Idea: Multiple Gun Bag

Full description of the idea: The weapon bag is my idea for an addition to the server for players to be able to easily and effectively transport weapons. When this bag is equipped, it would appear in the place of where a gun usually goes on your back (except would be a gun bag model). This would be in order so that someone cannot secretly carry around weapons such as larger guns.

Any guns inside of the bag are still liable to the transport law and if you are breaking this law then you can be searched and any gun removed. The bag would have a limit of three weapons (could change depending on type).

To avoid abuse, while this bag is equipped, the user with the bag cannot use any other weapon or maybe it would be they could only use a pistol. It would also act like a normal equipped item on death and fall to the floor, with all the guns that were inside of it. The gun bag should also be empty before people are allowed to put it in storage.

Why should it be added?:
It would be useful for people such as crafter's, someone who wants to transport more weapons easily or even someone who is designated to hoover up guns after a raid. Any use where carrying multiple weapons would be useful.

Would be a good addition to make things such as transporting guns easier

With the right rules and laws in place it would be hard to abuse it

Makes setting up weapon shops quicker

Cons: Without the right laws or rules there may be a way found to abuse it.

This could be such as mingegrabbing more guns (could be countered with saying players are not allowed to use it unless they are involved in the situation)

*Other additions: Any laws or rules which have to be changed/put in place to avoid abuse of this bag.

Another point: I get that a suggestion for bags was already made, but this is different and simply for transporting more firearms instead of a fashion accessory.
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This is really pointless.
"a way for people to effectively and easily transport weapons". Well the only way legally atm is in a trunk in a chest. Don't understand how you can get more "effective" than that. If you didnt notice, people already cannot "secretly carry around big weapons". Its very obvious when you are carrying a weapon around and police always pull you up for it.
Essentially all you are asking for is a bag to hoover up weapons like santa clause and run away in your mini cooper. Don't worry its real life you can disconnect if it gets too much. This just doesn't sound realistic at all, when i see people irl with guns they dont carry them in a sack. There in there hands or in a holster.
I craft guns all the time and this wouldnt be useful at all also.
Essentially all you are asking for is a bag to hoover up weapons like santa clause and run away in your mini cooper. Don't worry its real life you can disconnect if it gets too much.

You cannot carry around trunks. Like I said, it would also have to have rules put in place to avoid people doing stuff like mingegrabbing, which I made quite clear, so I don't appreciate the petty insult. If you disagree with the post, sure, post the reason why you disagree and think it is valid, but don't go insulting the person that made the suggestion.
Any guns inside of the bag are still liable to the transport law and if you are breaking this law then you can be searched and any gun removed. The bag would have a limit of three weapons (could change depending on type).
So whats the point? Having the weapon bag is pointless, because if police see you with the weapon bag they will get all of the 3 guns you are carrying, so you loose triple the money, if the police see you with the bag they will automatically target you to search you, like you said:
When this bag is equipped, it would appear as a normal weapon model does on your back. This would be in order so that someone cannot secretly carry around weapons such as larger guns.
Having the bag on you make the police think you are carrying a gun because the gun bag looks like a gun so they will automatically target and arrest you/take the gun, and please define a "normal weapon model", a AK-47? L85a2? Remington Model 870? Mp5a2? Barrett M82? double barrel shotgun?

1) You put backpack and inside it 3 AK's which all have full mags, suppressors, stocks and Rifle Reflex Sight.
2) You drive your car.
3) Police stop you for having a gun on your back while driving.
4) It's not a gun it's a gun bag.
5) Police like "oh shittttt payday bitchs"
6) They get 6K for all of the guns.
7) You loose 70K worth of guns and that's if you made it with 0% taxes
8) Gets a ticket and jail time.
9) Never use the gun bag again because it's useless.
10) profit.

You see, it wont work, it's useless.
Having the bag on you make the police think you are carrying a gun because the gun bag looks like a gun so they will automatically target and arrest you/take the gun, and please define a "normal weapon model", a AK-47? L85a2? Remington Model 870? Mp5a2? Barrett M82? double barrel shotgun?

I meant a model of a gun bag in the place a weapon would normally go.
I have found some good gun bag models for you guys to take a look at.


And here we see one of the larger orgs preparing for a raid.
I really don't find this idea necessary as like the above comments say it will just end up in losing so much money and people will just keep on getting pulled over. If you really want to transport weapons it will just be easier to craft a storage box and put that in the back of a truck/van or just put the guns in a trunk.
This reminds me of the movies where everyone is carrying a armoury in their gunbag. The reason why they did not keep the system where there was no limit on the guns you can carry is the weight of the weapons and mingegrabbing multiple weapons. This idea is promising and I have moments where I need it but the potential for abuse is big.
Lol just get yourself a craftable chest, fill it with guns, step on the porch of an unowned house and place it then grab your guns out of it, no biggie
If u really want to transport loads of guns, craft storage chests and buy a ford transit. Just place them in the back and take them to your house or shop.

Realistically speaking, you carrying arround a bag full of guns would be difficult since we aren't William J. Blascowitz. We arent able to hold 3 assault rifles at once.

If you get mugged somehow, you lose a lot of cash. This would be just another way for people to walk arround shootout zones and collect as many guns as they can hold.
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