Server Suggestion Must hold weapons in hands to store them.

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Suggestion Title: Must hold weapons in hands to store them.
Suggestion Description: To prevent the absolute kerfuffle required after a user combat stores a weapon in a trunk or storage chest whilst under direct gunpoint either during a raid or a police situation, to preserve realistic gameplay, and to justify police shooting down Suspects storing guns under gunpoint, Storing a primary or secondary weapon in your storage chest or trunk should require you to be actively holding the weapon in your hands in order to store it.

This suggestion will clarify a weapon was stored, make it more obvious for someone who would be at a financial loss from the storing of items to act upon, and would overall improve self enforcement of storage rules.

This should not apply to any item that isn’t a primary or secondary weapon. Explosives and incendiaries should not have this feature.

Why should this be added?:
- Realistic as you would need to have said item in your hands to then release it from your hands and store said item.
- As far as I’m aware, it would not impede roleplay.
- People who are gunpointing a player can now shoot said player for having a weapon out under gunpoint.
- You would know a firearm was just stored if they had it out upon storing it.

What negatives could this have?:
- Could be code spaghetti to make.
- Might impede roleplay? Probably not.
Sounds pretty exploitable
Watch someone take out x thing
Follow person
Rob them for said thing.
That don't sound to good
its not really the solution for people who store guns while geting raided and etc......

just make f6
Are people genuinely doing this? I don’t feel like enough people are doing this immensely specific thing that applies to a single situation to consider pushing an update for.
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Are people genuinely doing this? I don’t feel like enough people are doing this immensely specific thing that applies to a single situation to consider pushing an update for.
Are people storing weapons to avoid them being lost? Yes? I deal with reports from your org regulary for this very thing.

Seems stupid that you copy paste over something I said on another suggestion on the sole pretence that you disagree with my stance on another idea.
Are people storing weapons to avoid them being lost? Yes? I deal with reports from your org regulary for this very thing.
i mean even if they made this idea people can store there guns while geting raided i dont really see the benefit from it

"maybe just the part that you get reason to shot them" but at the end they will make f6 so no point of accepting it
"maybe just the part that you get reason to shot them" but at the end they will make f6 so no point of accepting it
But then they would be self reporting for storing items when they shouldnt be to stop them being lost!
But then they would be self reporting for storing items when they shouldnt be to stop them being lost!
i mean the cop/raider wont shot someone for no reason

if i killed someone and i find out he store hes gun i will just make f6

Even if i was cop i will do same

and if he made report "i got shot for no reason" then you will check logs and open report with other guy who killed him so its same thing will happend
that why i dont see any benefit for this idea
i mean the cop/raider wont shot someone for no reason

if i killed someone and i find out he store hes gun i will just make f6

Even if i was cop i will do same

that why i dont see any benefit for this idea
Having a gun out lets you kill them in a raid. If you're gunpointing them, They have to pull the weapon to store it, which would in turn make it more obvious what they're storing exactly and make dealing with these reports more obvious for players making the report.
Having a gun out lets you kill them in a raid. If you're gunpointing them, They have to pull the weapon to store it, which would in turn make it more obvious what they're storing exactly and make dealing with these reports more obvious for players making the report.
he could store anything while his looking at storage as i said as cop/raider i wont kill anyone for no reason and if i think he store anything i will just make f6 as i said
he could store anything while his looking at storage as i said as cop/raider i wont kill anyone for no reason and if i think he store anything i will just make f6 as i said
In terms of police too, You need a supervisor to search a trunk when someone stores a gun when they shouldn't which is too much of a hassle.

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