Server Suggestion mute messages

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Suggestion Title: mute messages
Suggestion Description: make the mute on sound mute all phone atm the mute just mute the calls not messages

Why should this be added?:
i dont understand why i can mute the phone but not messages

What negatives could this have?:
cops cant spam your phone ?

forget that ur phone on mute
cops cant spam your phone ?
This is a known tactic and sadly the only practical way to prevent it right now is to drop the phone.
There should be a settings menu to configure notification sounds (and to set them to silent if wanted)
It's currently the only way that cops can identify if a suspect is inside a property.

I think it's a pretty fair trade off to drop your phone and not be identifiable.
It's currently the only way that cops can identify if a suspect is inside a property.

I think it's a pretty fair trade off to drop your phone and not be identifiable.
Just do a stakeout and check if we leave the property!
It's currently the only way that cops can identify if a suspect is inside a property.
there is so many ways but i wont tell you because you are cop main i dont want you to use it against me

also i think the plpd got lot of shit to do not just waiting for 1 guy hiding in apartment and muting his phone

muting the phone have lot of disadvantage as will like if you are alt tap and someone calling u or someone send u messege u cant her it or bank raid etc....
This is a known tactic and sadly the only practical way to prevent it right now is to drop the phone.
There should be a settings menu to configure notification sounds (and to set them to silent if wanted)
you can spam answer or decline if you know they are going to ring you and then sound que doesnt play
you can spam answer or decline if you know they are going to ring you and then sound que doesnt play
This is mostly about SMS notification sounds, as they can't be silenced (you can set your ringtone to silent, but doesn't cover SMS)
would add more realism and the cop factor aswell because in real life cops arent going to be door camping your shit or spamming your phone so they can hear if your inside or not lol
It's currently the only way that cops can identify if a suspect is inside a property.

I think it's a pretty fair trade off to drop your phone and not be identifiable.
dropping your phone dosnt make any sense and is basically a glitch. it would be better if they added a mute function or fixed the "glitch"
dropping your phone dosnt make any sense and is basically a glitch. it would be better if they added a mute function or fixed the "glitch"
Well said.

The key aspect of putting the ringtone to silent is basically saying you’re phone’s ringer is off. Let alone having cops camp. Some cops use the fact you have them as a contact from before duty and use that to lure you, some cops sms you and raid you if they hear your notification unless you drop your phone.

None of this is fun or realistic, it’s a cheap petty abuse of the current game limitations for obvious reasons.
would add more realism and the cop factor aswell because in real life cops arent going to be door camping your shit or spamming your phone so they can hear if your inside or not lol
Yes they do.
Just do a stakeout and check if we leave the property!
> go cop
> Have reason to believe warranted suspect is inside of a property who has just recently committed a crime
> Proceed to door camp for the entirety of that users 8 hour growing session for the meagre reward of imprisoning someone for 10 minutes for a murder they committed 9 hours ago.

Arguably the text messages are a better feature that can be used to identify warranted individuals wareabouts, alongside this we already have a workaround for preventing it.
i dont understand why i can mute the phone but not messages
because ringtones are infinitely more obstructive and detectable than a phone bleep.
> Have reason to believe warranted suspect is inside of a property who has just recently committed a crime
> Proceed to door camp for the entirety of that users 8 hour growing session for the meagre reward of imprisoning someone for 10 minutes for a murder they committed 9 hours ago.
from what i understand whole the plpd cant do anything if they believe warrant suspect are in side so they all have to camp for him

i think you have better thing to do than waiting 8 hours

1. drive around the city

2. give tickets for people at bazzar for parking

3. watch the street for any breaking traffic law

4. set a trap at subs for people who dont stop at stop sign

5.chill at bazzar

6. respond for any other raiding/shooting place

etc they can do lot of things

also for this part
Proceed to door camp for the entirety of that users 8 hour growing session for the meagre reward of imprisoning someone for 10 minutes
if he stay on his apartment for 8hour it will be reward of imprisoning for 8 hours

dropping the phone is not solution for not geting message as seke said its a glitch bc the phone will stay in same place but no messages sound
dropping your phone dosnt make any sense and is basically a glitch.

if this get accepted there be advantages for people and disadvantages i can list them later if u want
from what i understand whole the plpd cant do anything if they believe warrant suspect are in side so they all have to camp for him

Not really, they just need reasonable suspicion that you are harbouring a criminal and they can warrant you and blow your doors off. The laws around property searches are actually skewed extremely in favour of the police however most officers will never use it to their full advantage.
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