My almost unfortunate departure

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TLDR: Wanted to stop PERP for good, but changed my mind kindoff. Initial post with words added at the bottom.

Hi peeps,

Seeing my denial for Helper, plus me only finding fun in helping new players. I had decided before my application, that if I’d not get it. I’d quit PERP.

I’ve been denied. Eventhough I obviously disagree with the decision and the reasoning, I will respect it. I think many would agree that I’ve been an advocate and pioneer for the community. This got confirmed for me mere two days before writing this. New players, I was helping out, actually saw my videos and used my help/tips. They also kept thanking me for helping them out ingame. This gave me genuine joy. All I’ve ever wanted was to improve the community regardless of reception and personal image.

Seeing @steelo get accepted brings sincere joy to my eyes. He just like myself, is an individual with strong beliefs. He wants to improve the community. I wish him all the luck in the world.

If there’s something I want us all to agree on. It’s that I was never loved by everyone, which I never wanted to be the case. But that I’ve always, regardless of reception. Tried to improve the (your) community for the better. It’s not flawless but it changed so many, including mine, personal lifes. We’ve all spent countless hours grinding, enjoying and socializing with complete strangers. This is unique for PERP.

I want my departure to be a reminder of what the server has accomplished, not a sad goodbye. Others will fill my shoes. Please be good for each other. This thing y’all have is rare. You belong somewhere, you’re not alone anymore. Some will consider PERP an escape from the harsh reality. This is why Fredy made the server to begin with. To create a fun place for us all to enjoy together.

I’d like to give a special thanks to all the friends I’ve made and that have supported me through all the controversy and judgements. I’ll never forget any of you.

Be good for each other and remember the good things. I hope y’all make the absolute best of your lifes and ever remember me as that guy that showed that no matter the adversity. He stayed true.

GSOLAR (Guus irl)

Words after giving it some thought:
After having spoken with some friends, I’ve changed my mind a little bit. I won’t quit entirely. I’ll only be less active and stop chasing the Helper position. Seeing how even without the title I’m helping many players enjoying the server more. For the sake of being transparent I’ve still posted my initial words.
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I'm so pleased that you have decided to change your mind on totally quitting PERP. Your contributions to the community are seriously underrated. I've seen you teach players on how to base and you getting backstabbed by those same players (twice). Your fishing tutorial and your collaboration video on basing are really helpful!

Out of everyone, you have the right to hold your head held up high. So keep it up and stay strong brother.
Dont get me wrong, I think you are a nice guy. But what is the point in quitting/becoming less active because you didnt get the role? You stated that people actually found your tips etc helpfull so why be less active due to not getting a role for it if it helps either way? If your sole goal is helping people then this can be achieved without the role aswell and perhaps the role is something to work towards in the future.

Or am I just an idiot? yes
Mate listen, I think your an amazing guy and do agree with what Lucius said it’s not worth quitting over just show the community managers what your made of by keep being you and your chances will get stronger. Honestly man I love seeing your help in game that you do (you save me a lot of typing some days) but honestly mate don’t let yourself get down show them what they missed out on!
Dont get me wrong, I think you are a nice guy. But what is the point in quitting/becoming less active because you didnt get the role? You stated that people actually found your tips etc helpfull so why be less active due to not getting a role for it if it helps either way? If your sole goal is helping people then this can be achieved without the role aswell and perhaps the role is something to work towards in the future.

Or am I just an idiot? yes
You’re not an idiot. I personally lost my drive for PH after having achieved my ‘personal’ goals. Having nice cars. Max firearms etc. So my time became stale. Therefore I decided to start helping people, which is something I usually rarely bother with. Becoming a helper at the time looked like the ideal way to do so. So for the time being I’d had to be more active to even be considered for the role. Having found out that even without the role many new players came to me stating they are grateful for my effort. Showed me that the role isn’t as necessary anymore. But not being part of the staff also means I don’t have to be as active anymore and don’t need to put in as many hours.
Point of quitting was at that moment not realizing that the peeps actually had enough help the way they received it currently.
A top tip from somebody that actually accepts applications - it isn't a good idea when having asked for feedback you choose not to wait for the reply instead make a leaving thread then change your mind six minutes later as we look for professionalism in the helper team
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