My Anniversary

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Texas United States
August 13, 2014 a sweater named Cole registred on the PH forums. The reason why he registred on the forums was because he was about to post a ban appeal. But as the sweater Cole noticed that the perpheads forums are also a very funny and nice place he started hanging around on the forums. Within some time he got some friends in the community and applied for the police supervisor role in March 2015. After waiting over a month to get his supervisor app. accepted Cole really enjoyed the police Rp on the server. As he then finally got his supervisor rank he was playing PERP 24/7. On May 16, 2015 Cole applied for enforcer, because @Homer and some other guys told him that he could have a chance. As Cole got accepted he screamed so loud that his neighbours thought he hurt him self and called the police..... (this really happened). And today Cole is enjoying his life as a moderator within the community.

I'd like to thank everyone within the communtiy for being here. Even if one of you would be missing this place wouldnt be the same.

Some people I'd like to give an extra thank you:

@Mannerwaffel : For being a really good friend and helping me out since my first days on PERP

@Jordan : For being a very good Senioradmin , roleplayer and friend

@MoronPipllyd : For always helping me out when I got a question

@Palono : For inviting me into the german mafia , my first org

@Creepis : For being the Best kanacke EU west not much more to say :kebab:

@Venomine : For being a good friend and always trolling people with me

@Skârd . For being a very good friend and always helping me out with problems

@Scrabuz : For always being a good friend to me since 2013

@Fredy : For developing such a nice server and always helping me out when I got problems

@StephenPuffs : For developing such a nice server

@Xquality : For creating such a nice map

@Tanges : For creating such a nice website

@Tadge : For being the funnyest sweater I've ever seen xD ( learn the rules pls)

@Rogue Car Tyres : For being the best medic and friend you can have

@The whole Staff-team : For being a 2nd family to me.

If I didnt mentioned YOU here then the little text above the names is for you.

1 Year Perpheads finished, a 2nd year to come.....
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Congratulations, Cole.

Good to see you are staying loyal to PERPHeads.
I helped you out with starting to administrate within GMod
Well, it is an honour then, being ban requested by you I guess... umm not much to say..

Happy Anniversary.
as the sweater Cole noticed that the perpheads forums are also a very funny and nice place.
Then he realized that I am on the forums and I started to bully him on steam on say he is a nerd and a weirdo.

Love you Cole <3
1 year and your still here ffs...

Jk <3

I'm happy to see that you are enjoying your time in the community, and appreciate the fact that you appreciate everyone's support.

Keep the head up and bring the next year on mate ;)
When I first met you as mod on 'another server we won't mention' I kinda disliked you. But then I saw you a few times on PERP and it seemed that you weren't a horrible person. Anyways have fun in the next year to come
It's really nice to see other dedicated members within the community; congratulations on being with us for a year, Cole - let's make the next one a blast!