my first perptage

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first ever fragtage & first time actually "editing" let me know what you think about it, took me 5 hours more or less to do everything, it still needs some work but for a first time it think it's not too bad

thanks to the to whoever made that image that i'm using for the thumbnail !!

bye !!!!!!!!
nice video if only ur discord overlay wasnt in the top right
Appreciate it, it's indeed not good looking on videos, but it's the same kind of thing as the net_graph, it's useful when i'm streaming the server to some friends or you just talking to them when you are crafting/doing other stuff, i just like to have it but it's indeed something i should disable.
Editing is decent.

Less of mugging / killing unarmed new players. Bit boring.

Hey, thanks for the feedback.
A lot of those clips are really old, hence why i'm finally editing those, it's taking a lot of space of my SSD so time to do a purge ! At the time of some of those clips i was starting the server ! Of course, theres like a few clips of me raiding/mugging newplayers as a """confirmed"""" player ! But, i also try to raid with new player when i'm able to so i do raid new players with them to have a more laid back experience for them & me and having a chance to gain some loot.

I'm thinking of a more chilled out edit for next time, like near the end with the guy mugging at storage, just some funny clips & out of context moments, with some more editing i do think that would work out well.
BotsRUs on Fire once again!
Ayyy thanks !
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