dispute @lewis

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Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Dispute
Which staff member banned you: @LEWIS 088

Your Steam Name: Daniel
Your In-game Name: Daniel Rodriguez
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:51081375

Why were you banned?: 3.4 2.5 User along with a group of friends trespassed into the PD for no reason, took an officer hostage and then killed a dispatcher, then hid in the jails.
Why do you feel the ban's invalid?: Lewis didn't even mention my name or question me in LOOC and just straight up bans me when there is 10 other people in the same area first of all. Second of all why would I get banned without adminsit or right to defend myself? He asked the question "[LOOC] LEWIS 088: What are you doing." in an area with 10 people and did not direct the question to anyone and seconds later he said "[LOOC] LEWIS 088: No answer? fine." and banned me. Since when are staff allowed to this kind of shit unless its cheating, massrdm or exploiting? Second of all out of everyone im the only one that got banned by Lewis? If you ask me this is next level biased when there were again I repeat atleast 10 people there and I wasn't the only one so why do I get banned? In the ban it literally said "user along with a GROUP OF FRIENDS trespassed into the PD".

Now the ban reason. We trespassed into the PD because we kept getting shot and killed by cops whom where our friends and we didn't care about it just having fun as the server was dead as fuck at the moment and nobody gave a fuck about everything that happening. I was getting RDM'd left right so was everyone else. So we decided to break into the PD to talk with Moon but he wasn't there so we went to the jails. Our intention was not to shoot cops or what so ever just to chill with the cops in the PD and have some fun. There was literally 25 people on the server half was AFK anyways and like 3 cops on duty who were bored as fuck aswell. I'll doubt anyone got affected by our actions who cared. You're being literally a nazi for no reason at all while we are having fun @Lewis088. Second part we didn't take him hostage where did you see us say "you're our hostage now". We just gave him commands and took his shit incase he started to shoot us. He cop was just chilling with us and the medic at the end aswell. The reason we shot the dispatch was because when he came in we told him come chill with us aswell we're bored and he just pressed his panic button and tried to flee so I shot him. When the medic came I tried to get him revived and Lewis banned me. We did not hide in the jails we were just chilling there as again the server was dead as fuck and nothing was being done that was fun.

Additional Comment(s): @Lewis088 and other staff members stop ruining fun for everyone on the server with these petty fucking bans. Nobody gives a shit anymore because all you guys do is instantly ban everyone for every small thing that happens and be stubborn aswell when it comes up to it. If you actually want people to play serious again change yourself, don't expect players to change because you guys are causing all this shitfest on the server.
Evidence (Required for all server bans):
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@Super_ @SpaceShots

It appears you are more concerned with the way the situation was handled rather than the nature of your ban. You have, to an extent, taken into account that rules were broken but are not satisfied with the way the situation was dealt with.

If you have concerns with the way Lewis dealt with your ban and the ban length, please make a Staff Complaint. As the rules stated in the ban were broken, this dispute has been denied.
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