My goodbye

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United Kingdom
So most of you know on the 4th of June I got something that was bound to happen and many people warned me but I just could not hide from it, On the 4th of June I got a permanent ban from PerpHeads, this is why I will be taking some time to thank and say goodbye to friends that will always be with me.

@Col. Collier I can not thank you enough for what you did for me, you truly are a brill guy, you helped me get around a lot of hard times and helped me with a lot of things, you will always be a great friend to me

@Generic Twat You will always be my drug buddy, I remember the days when we sat in the back of a business shop power growing 400k to get the cars we still use today, well, I don't but you get me ;)

@Jericho Had the balls to try and solo flank Olsen while we raided them a small time ago always stood up when I offered to raid

@Cody Garrett Ur car is shit I don't like it, make it red then it goes faster

@Quinten ur not getting my fuckin money

@Racxes Always makes people laugh, fantastic guy keep up the great work

@Dom Gave me a good opportunity one time that made me get very far in Perp thank you very much

@Janice Maybe one day we can meet again, I will always be you're baldy :)

If I missed anyone else sorry but these people came to my mind first

Maybe in the future I will make a ban appeal, it is a shame I get banned before V4 but I guess it just happens.

Thanks for reading
Congrats you now hold the record for most bans on perpheads...

Old record​

Sad to see you go and you will be missed. Hope you pop on TeamSpeak now and again but for now. Farewell Baldy!
No need for me to put much in this reply, because we'll hopefully and most likely stay in touch on steam. You had a good enough run and I am glad you were able to stick around for as long as you did. We had some good times playing together and I hope you will be able to appeal your ban in a couple of months. Until then, goodbye.

You will be missed :)
Man real sad to see you go , we were crafting buddies and we both crafted up to lvl 100 together and make each other jealous with our higher firearms level. Hopefully we can still play some other game together later on
Only spoken to you a few times and you seem like a nice guy, sad to see you go.
It's a shame because you were a good cop. Just seems like every time you went off duty you left your brain in the PD.
Rest in peace bro, you were fucking amazing in the old days and we had a shitload of fun together, I remember when we bought our sweater cars and you wanted to join Standish lmfao good old days. We'll keep in touch you fucking spoon ;)
Thank you to all the support on the two posts I made today you all made my day with the comments and I truly had a great time with the community, it was extremely hard for me to post this goodbye while keeping composure but in the end I got it out and it turned out to be one of the best things I have done, I will be making a ban appeal maybe 3 months down the line, this time off will help me revise for my year 10 Mock and help me on my school work, so here is my last thank you I will stay active on the fourms and come on TS time to time and say hi to some old friends, I won't be removing any friends from perp of my friends list to don't worry about that.

Thank you very much for the time and fun all of you have given in-game and out and I am truly thankful.

P.S thank you for Expert member am a cuwl kid now ;)