My resignation

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Lately, I've been thinking a lot about this. Now I have come to the conclusion that I want to resign from my position in the staff team. The reason for this is that I have lost interest in the game, and got a full-time job, started to meet a girl and so on. So I'm not only resigning, but I'm also going to take a break from gaming, or at least let my brain take a break from dedicating myself to the community.
I can not schedule things for the community and prioritize that rather than hanging out with friends anymore.

I will probably come on some time and just say hello. But right now I feel like this is the best thing to do.

I want to thank everyone, I have had soo many laughs. I have literally cried so much laughing. Thanks to @Josef for noticing that:

Thanks once again!
You we're a great mod. You're not the only one who lost interest in perp, it's becoming more and more a dead server atm.
Honestly such a shame to see you leave. You were always such a fun and outgoing individual who was really easy to laugh and have fun with. Thanks for all the laughs, it was great fun having you around and I hope the things you are prioritising go well for you.

Bye :(