Okay so me and my friend @|Z|Jackstu05 were raiding Regals 5. Sadly Jack got killed. I waited for owners of regals 5 who killed Jack to come out their apartment as they came out I killed them both. Looked inside did not find anything. I then heard police so I decided to hide on the balcony and got away with it... As the cops finally left I needed to get out so I gun pointed the owner to get on the floor and hang up sadly he just ran away , tried locking the door and screamed down mic to his friend that I was here so I had no choice but to shoot him. I then got fucked by @JarredInator It was still a great raid. It sucks to have ended badly though. I still have no idea how the guy knew I was Harry Gilbert but I guess I will save that for a action request anyways I hope you guys enjoy the video 

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