I keep getting Error Code 0x0003 when loading GeForce Experience, its been happening for 2 days and ive tried many things to fix it but cant seem to fix the issue
1. Within windows go to RUN command and type Services.msc and hit enter, on the 'Services' window locate Nvidia Telemetry Container - Right click - Properties - Log on - Click on Local System Account (also make sure the option 'Allow the service to interact with the desktop' is checked. - now click Apply
2. Now Right click on 'Nvidia Telemetry container service' and select 'start' if it is not already running.
3. Go to RUN command - Services.msc locate the below three services right click and select 'start' or 'restart' option to enable these services
a) Nvidia Display service container b) Nvidia Local System Container c) Nvidia Network Service Container