Police Suggestion NERF Road Spikes

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Edinburgh, Scotland
Brief description of idea: Nerf the roadspikes in some way.

What benefits would this idea have for the department: On multiple occasions i've had my wheels spiked by an unranked police officer, just because my car looks somewhat similar to other sports cars. Which has left me feeling slightly irate as I don't want to demand a brand new player pay for my wheels, so must pay for it myself and then have the hassle of going to car dealer to respawn my car and fix the tires etc. This is easily avoidable by adding a timer, or making them needing to be equipped like a gun.

Furthermore when a citizen it's more or less impossible to fully escape police, as a result of the map size and only being accessible via one long highway, if an officer sits at one opposite point of the highway each they are more or less guarantee'd to take out your tires.

May also help reduce IA complaints for minor things, e.g spiking the wrong car, forgetting your spikes are down due to inexperience.

What potential negatives could this have for the department: More difficult to catch the pagani zonda going 140 along the highway.

Other additions: An alternative to only giving these items to higher ranks, is perhaps putting it in the trunk of the car as equipment, and making policy you may not randomly carry them about / have them out. That way perhaps police would think twice about the importance of road spikes, and the serious damage they can do if misused. I understand that taking away more from officers may be a step in the wrong direction, from encouraging new players to join the PD. This is why I have suggested this as a possible alternative to completely removing it from them.

Currently officers can deploy spikes midair, and mid sprinting which is ridiculously overpowered. That alongside the fact you can catch the back right tire a tiny bit and take out all 4 tires. Even a timer like when you equip a gun before placing the spikes would make it slightly fairer.
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You can't remove road spikes from officers... They have them in their trunks irl, just because a incompetent officer spiked your car doesn't mean you can take it away from other officers.
If you got spiked by wrong thinking of officer you can ask for payback from officer/supervisor but this idea is bad
Remember that on early hours till afternoon/evening there is mostly officers that are on patrol division without any higher rank
Its easier for them to spike someone rather than go in 2h race at you
You can't remove road spikes from officers... They have them in their trunks irl, just because a incompetent officer spiked your car doesn't mean you can take it away from other officers.
My suggestion isn't purely fueled by one incompetent officer, nor am I saying the actions of one officer should impact the whole PD. This encounter just made me wonder about roadspikes and how they're used. Also if you read further down my suggestion you'll see I state that I agree taking things away from officers may not be the way forward. However at least putting them in the trunk would make officers think twice before using them, and understand the dangers.
If you got spiked by wrong thinking of officer you can ask for payback from officer/supervisor but this idea is bad
Remember that on early hours till afternoon/evening there is mostly officers that are on patrol division without any higher rank
Its easier for them to spike someone rather than go in 2h race at you
As I said previously I am not going to be one of these salty folk who cries over 1k and scream down the mic demanding the brand new officer pay me back, personally I find it pathetic. However some people may decide to make an easily avoidable IA complaint on an officer for doing something similar, which would needlessly get an officer into trouble and possibly demoted.
Furthermore I am on quite frequently and seldom do I ever see just plain officers online. However I understand their may not be enough SO's+ on to stop a ridiculous pursuit at difficult hours. That's why I noted it could be placed in the trunk, to solidify the importance of spikes.
Why punish all officers rather than just the ones that use spikes negligently. Too much of the PD is already locked behind rank requirements.

As I said previously I am not going to be one of these salty folk who cries over 1k and scream down the mic demanding the brand new officer pay me back, personally I find it pathetic. However some people may decide to make an easily avoidable IA complaint on an officer for doing something similar, which would needlessly get an officer into trouble and possibly demoted.

In a way I’d say it’s more “petty” to remove spikes from all officers than just report a minority few.
Taking stuff away from patrol officers isn’t really the direction we want to go in. If officers are abusing their role bring it to the attention of a supervisor or make an IA.
Why punish all officers rather than just the ones that use spikes negligently. Too much of the PD is already locked behind rank requirements.

In a way I’d say it’s more “petty” to remove spikes from all officers than just report a minority few.
I never said any of the polices actions were petty im very confused. I don't want to punish all officers I don't actually care about the 1k at all I feel as if everyone has missed the actual point of this post. That was just how I opened the post lol. I agree much of it is locked behind requirements, could it not be added so spikes were at least put into people trunks, instead of everyone having them in their back pocket as soon as they get the job?

The post was mainly fueled by seeing so many cops driving like 90 coming to a sudden break then instantly jumping out the car with road spikes out n spiking your car. Heavy unrealistic whereas having it in your trunk and giving you time to equip it, or even taking time to place them down to balance it out.

I am in no way saying punish the police for one or multiple officers incompetence, i'm saying re-evaluate spikes, as currently if the server is busy there is 12 officers all with road spikes on them, they are able to use in under a second if they're quick enough, so they could literally sit at every main road and wait to spike you and thats you rumbled. I tried to explain this in the extra notes bit but it would appear everyone just skim read the post and missed that bit.
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Too much of the PD is already locked behind rank requirements.

The reason that perks and tools are locked behind ranks is to prevent abuse or negligence as you can see from a lot of IA's. I think it's good that you have to show your competence to be able to access these stuff. It also work as an incentive on how to climb in the PD.
And isn't it kind of the point of wanting people to specialize in, and actually spend time in? We give the officers the told they need to be able to do their job and then reward the officers who specialize or branch out cause it's something everyone can do. And if you can't pass a certain rank or get good enough of OR's I wouldn't feel comfortable with giving someone a faster car or a bigger gun unless we know they can handle it and won't abuse it.

Almost every other game game rewards the player for doing a certain thing or playing a certain way, some sort of in game benefit and PD is a huge part of PERPheads so I don't think it would be a good idea to remove that, especially based on how many that actually spent so much time and effort to be where they are today.

Why don't you make your own suggestion of lowering the requirements to use these perks to see what the response will be?

Edit. Why are you rating disagree when it's impossible for anyone else to rate in the thread?
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Brief description of idea: Make road spikes only attainable for SO+, RTU.

What benefits would this idea have for the department: On multiple occasions i've had my wheels spiked by an unranked police officer, just because my car looks somewhat similar to other sports cars. Which has left me feeling slightly irate as I don't want to demand a brand new player pay for my wheels, so must pay for it myself and then have the hassle of going to car dealer to respawn my car and fix the tires etc. This is easily avoidable by only allowing spikes to SO and RTU.

Furthermore when a citizen it's more or less impossible to fully escape police, as a result of the map size and only being accessible via one long highway, if an officer sits at one opposite point of the highway each they are more or less guarantee'd to take out your tires.

May also help reduce IA complaints for minor things, e.g spiking the wrong car, forgetting your spikes are down due to inexperience.

What potential negatives could this have for the department: More difficult to catch the pagani zonda going 140 along the highway.

Other additions: An alternative to only giving these items to higher ranks, is perhaps putting it in the trunk of the car as equipment, and making policy you may not randomly carry them about / have them out. That way perhaps police would think twice about the importance of road spikes, and the serious damage they can do if misused. I understand that taking away more from officers may be a step in the wrong direction, from encouraging new players to join the PD. This is why I have suggested this as a possible alternative to completely removing it from them.
whatcha mean boy, rtu isnt always on duty and senior officers+ sometimes are tryna get the guy, officers got slow ass cars so bruh tf u mean, this would make criminals must win tbh, they will be running cuz they know they will win xd
Every officer having spikes means that getting spiked is super common and easy thing for officers to do most of time
however if spikes spawn in vehicle trunk, and take time to take them into hands(so you cant instantly pull them out and spike someone if they are equipped as they come past you) means that spikes would hopefully have to be planned ahead more and set up infront of a persuit, as it is now you can effectively insta spike someone as soon as you jump out your car as long as spikes are equipped which is dogshit imo.

I have seen officers run across the highway and deploy spikes as the car is already half way past them, the spikes just catch the back of the car and have had officers drive just ahead of me, jump out their car and deploy spikes instantly as I come past them.

tldr make spikes take time to take to hands and maybe make you unable to sprint with spikes in hands

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im pretty sure every officer [in the uk at least] is trained on spikes if officers dont have spikes they will just fucking shoot the tyres making the ''problem'' worse
Spikes should, ideally, be used as a 2nd method of stopping a fleeing vehicle or to trap a vehicle in an area if other methods have failed E.G:

I disagree though. Restricting this is stupid. It's not hard to make an IA or ask for a supervisor.
Right i've just re-worded the suggestion as folk are no getting the point or reading the whole post.

I want spikes nerfed as at current point they are far too op, it's actually comical at times how op they are. I do not want them taken off every officer, they should either be in the trunk, or have them take time to equip.
Road spikes shouldnt be consistent on their own IMO so nerfing them is fine. I do not believe a rank wall is necessary however, nor does this nerf it. Take the TFU L115 for example, it’s only available to 1 officer at a time but that doesn’t hinder how useful it is in the slightest.
for newer players trying to get demos is a pain in the ass. In conclusion FUCK IA
IA don't demo request. In fact they specifically say not to send demos as evidence. Moot point. Internal Affairs can very easily deal with someone misspiking a car.
Just like the majority has said, there’s no need to restrict spike strips. Yes some officers spike the wrong vehicle, however there’s no need to punish an entire rank for the behavior of these individuals.
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