Police Suggestion New 10 Code

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Ohio, United States of America
Brief description of idea: During pursuits and reading in the handbook i've noticed that there is no official 10 code for when a suspect crashes his or her car so a lot of the time units in pursuit will say he's crashed his vehicle which in a chase takes up time to add on the extra words. I propose that we use 10-50 as a code for when a suspect crashes during a pursuit. Its something I've personally used across multiple police departments in various communities over the years of me doing this. I've also noticed other officers on patrol saying 10-50 as well

What benefits would this idea have for the department: Much more simpler transmissions for example "Alpha 2 Suspect has crashed (Insert location of crash here)" Which would turn into "Alpha 2 Suspect 10-50 (Insert location of crash here)"

What potential negatives could this have for the department: Can't personally see any

Other additions:None (Sorry if this seems like something to nitpick not wanting to just think it would be useful to have in the 10 codes also this is my first suggestion so im sorry if i didn't do it correctly)
Yeah I constantly clash with 10-50 not being a code when i did PD or on fire when I see an accident ingame. I have to almost always retype my message because i forget this. The code system ingame is great i just forget we dont have everything sometimes.
Yeah, why the hell is 10-50 not a code anymore? It's one of the most common codes most people will know, and iirc, we used it religiously a couple years back so I ain't sure what the change is.
Since we are on the topic off codes being used throughout pd etc, I actually never hear people using codes, may that be people don’t know the codes or because they don’t use them because they don’t know if anyone else uses them.

If this code gets added if there isn’t already someone could make a list with all the codes in the game.
I don’t use any off the codes really because 1, I don’t know them. 2, too my knowledge there isn’t anything for perp where u can learn the codes, I don’t have a clue if they are the same as other rp servers if they are my suggestion is basically pointless
Since we are on the topic off codes being used throughout pd etc, I actually never hear people using codes, may that be people don’t know the codes or because they don’t use them because they don’t know if anyone else uses them.

If this code gets added if there isn’t already someone could make a list with all the codes in the game.
I don’t use any off the codes really because 1, I don’t know them. 2, too my knowledge there isn’t anything for perp where u can learn the codes, I don’t have a clue if they are the same as other rp servers if they are my suggestion is basically pointless
Since we are on the topic off codes being used throughout pd etc, I actually never hear people using codes, may that be people don’t know the codes or because they don’t use them because they don’t know if anyone else uses them.

If this code gets added if there isn’t already someone could make a list with all the codes in the game.
I don’t use any off the codes really because 1, I don’t know them. 2, too my knowledge there isn’t anything for perp where u can learn the codes, I don’t have a clue if they are the same as other rp servers if they are my suggestion is basically pointless
There is a list of 10 Codes in the police handbook
Trust me, plain radio is the best for communication. You won't be confusing new officers and everything will be much clear.

"Alpha 1 to Dispatch. 10-29F is 10-50 and 10-15. The situation is CODE-4. Show me 10-19 and 10-6." > 10 Codes.
"Alpha 1 to Dispatch. Vehicle crashed, suspect in custody. It's CODE-4." > What we do.

"Alpha 1 to Dispatch. The felony suspect has crashed. Suspect in custody. It's CODE-4. Show me RTB and busy." > What we should do.

When we can't even manage people to use the radio properly, asking them to start using codes, adding more codes and stuff won't really help in my opinion.

I've used both, maybe not in PERP but still. Trust me we should keep a plain and short radio speech instead of 10 codes. It's gonna be the best for everyone. Response codes will be more than enough.
Trust me, plain radio is the best for communication. You won't be confusing new officers and everything will be much clear.

"Alpha 1 to Dispatch. 10-29F is 10-50 and 10-15. The situation is CODE-4. Show me 10-19 and 10-6." > 10 Codes.
"Alpha 1 to Dispatch. Vehicle crashed, suspect in custody. It's CODE-4." > What we do.

"Alpha 1 to Dispatch. The felony suspect has crashed. Suspect in custody. It's CODE-4. Show me RTB and busy." > What we should do.

When we can't even manage people to use the radio properly, asking them to start using codes, adding more codes and stuff won't really help in my opinion.

I've used both, maybe not in PERP but still. Trust me we should keep a plain and short radio speech instead of 10 codes. It's gonna be the best for everyone. Response codes will be more than enough.
10-50 is pretty much known by most people who do police RP. It's used all over. I don't see how it would cause that many issues personally.
Trust me, plain radio is the best for communication. You won't be confusing new officers and everything will be much clear.

"Alpha 1 to Dispatch. 10-29F is 10-50 and 10-15. The situation is CODE-4. Show me 10-19 and 10-6." > 10 Codes.
"Alpha 1 to Dispatch. Vehicle crashed, suspect in custody. It's CODE-4." > What we do.

"Alpha 1 to Dispatch. The felony suspect has crashed. Suspect in custody. It's CODE-4. Show me RTB and busy." > What we should do.

When we can't even manage people to use the radio properly, asking them to start using codes, adding more codes and stuff won't really help in my opinion.

I've used both, maybe not in PERP but still. Trust me we should keep a plain and short radio speech instead of 10 codes. It's gonna be the best for everyone. Response codes will be more than enough.
I 100% agree with Ultimate here. In my opinion adding more codes is just a little overkill
Trust me, plain radio is the best for communication. You won't be confusing new officers and everything will be much clear.

"Alpha 1 to Dispatch. 10-29F is 10-50 and 10-15. The situation is CODE-4. Show me 10-19 and 10-6." > 10 Codes.
"Alpha 1 to Dispatch. Vehicle crashed, suspect in custody. It's CODE-4." > What we do.

"Alpha 1 to Dispatch. The felony suspect has crashed. Suspect in custody. It's CODE-4. Show me RTB and busy." > What we should do.

When we can't even manage people to use the radio properly, asking them to start using codes, adding more codes and stuff won't really help in my opinion.

I've used both, maybe not in PERP but still. Trust me we should keep a plain and short radio speech instead of 10 codes. It's gonna be the best for everyone. Response codes will be more than enough.
I agree with Ultimate as well, using plain radio is best for comms.
Since we are on the topic off codes being used throughout pd etc, I actually never hear people using codes, may that be people don’t know the codes or because they don’t use them because they don’t know if anyone else uses them.

If this code gets added if there isn’t already someone could make a list with all the codes in the game.
I don’t use any off the codes really because 1, I don’t know them. 2, too my knowledge there isn’t anything for perp where u can learn the codes, I don’t have a clue if they are the same as other rp servers if they are my suggestion is basically pointless

I do agree that there should only be a few codes used such as 10-4, 10-20, 10-45C/10-45D along with Code 3 and Code 4. I think sticking to this would make it easier on new Officers not having to learn loads of boring codes just to say simple stuff over radio and would also keep unnecessary radio communication to a minimum.

"General Purpose" Codes are elite. I think we should remove the current chat auto correct for codes. Replacing them with these ones and as we go along the more ones which are frequently used we can add to the auto correct so it looks all clean and quality of life friendly.
10-50 is already used. I also don't see an appriooiate thing here: https://web.stanford.edu/~reneeb/bill/n.radio.code.html

Do you have any better ideas?
I remember there being a list of most useful radio codes on the PLPD handbook - may be there still if I am not mistaken.

I say we make it a bit more obvious, select 20 or so most useful codes and put them on the handbook, and make a question on the Officer/Snr. exam regarding the radio codes/communication.
10-50 is already used. I also don't see an appropriate thing here: https://web.stanford.edu/~reneeb/bill/n.radio.code.html

Do you have any better ideas?
Thats interesting i've personally never seen 10-50 used for that. Any encounter I've ever had with 10-50 is with a vehicle crashing as shown here with a few examples

I'll do some digging and see if i can find or think of something better.
Ive always used 10-50 for Vehicle's crashing/wrecking during pursuits,i stopped using them after i realised that 10-50 means something totally different according the the Gov radio callouts,but you can sometimes still hear me say it during pursuits.(Same with me calling Crown vics, a CVPI)
Ive always used 10-50 for Vehicle's crashing/wrecking during pursuits,i stopped using them after i realised that 10-50 means something totally different according the the Gov radio callouts,but you can sometimes still hear me say it during pursuits.(Same with me calling Crown vics, a CVPI)
Yeah I've always known 10-50 as vehicle crashes everywhere I've been to
10-50 is the most common code for a vehicle crash, even during my time in fivem a 10-50 has always been a vehicle crash, we used to have a list of codes for this on PERP aswell, but I presume this has been removed then if this is a suggestion?
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