Server Suggestion New DD Job : Drugs Smuggler

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Suggestion Title: New DD Job : Drugs Smuggler
Suggestion Description: 1-Start the Mission:
Find the drug dealer and select “I want to make a quick buck” to start the drug smuggling job.

2-Receive Pickup Location:
The drug dealer sends you the location of the NPC with the drugs. This location is dynamically chosen to be far from the drug dealer’s location.

3-Pick Up the Drugs:
Go to the specified location, pick up the drugs, and be aware that you now have a visible backpack indicating you are carrying contraband.

4-Drug Counter:
Press Q to see how much drugs are in the bag. This counter will help you keep track of your cargo. (or it should be on the top of the screen up to devs)

5-Time-Based Decay:
The longer you take to deliver the drugs, the lower the drug counter gets. This simulates the risk of drugs being lost or degraded over time, resulting in a lower payout. ( if the timer reach 0 seconds you wont be paid and some actions well happen check [difficulty system] below.)

6-Avoid Detection:
Navigate through the city, avoiding police patrols and potential muggers. Use stealth mechanics and team strategies if available.

7-Deliver the Drugs:
Return to the drug dealer and deliver the drugs. Your payment will be based on the remaining amount of drugs in the bag, which decreases over time.

8-Cooldown Period:
The mission has a 24-hour cooldown period before it can be attempted again.

things that im not sure how they work so the devs can help me with the line below

[difficulty system]
[You can choose difficulty] : ( Easy, Medium, Hard,)
Easy : Police wont be alerted.
Medium : Police will be alerted of the mission after 50% of the time have passed.
Hard : Police will be alerted after 50% of the time have been passed and if your time reaches 0 you'll have a live tracker on you.
(Only 1 player at a time)

(im not sure if this mission only for org members which their org has a specific amount of experience or if it is a public mission to help players get money)

Why should this be added?:
-  Risk and Reward System
- Increases Activity
- A new way to get money

What negatives could this have?:
- Complexity: this can be too complicated

What problem would this suggestion solve?: players have more ways to make money not just chop shop and makes players want to join and finish their missions which keeps the server more active + it is fun :)

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