Server Suggestion New Players Planter Confiscation

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Suggestion Title: New Players Planter Confiscation
Suggestion Description: When basic planters are confiscated by police, the whole planter disappears, I feel like there's a lot of situations in which people raid new players then die to cops but all the doors are open so the drugs are visible then the cops confiscate the whole planter box and that sweater who already doesn't have a lot of money has to spend more money getting their planters back (that's if they don't just rage quit). Maybe a feature where new players' planters that are confiscated by police go back to their storage to save them from dishing out money they don't even have.

Why should this be added?:
- Helps sweaters that tiny bit more
- Reduces the impact of a raid on sweaters
- Less likely for sweaters to ragequit after their drugs are taken.

What negatives could this have?:
- Spoonfeeding sweaters

If you see any more negatives, feel free to comment.
Definitely support this! No longer need to be finessing IA all day long by 'forgetting' to confiscate new players' stuff!

You cant spoonfeed new people enough in my opinion. If you have to grind for a full day and then loose it all it'd mean we never see that player again
+ Support. Has happened many times. that the pd cleaned the floors of regels or slums and end up seeing planter boxes stacked up on each other.
+ It Will help the server with it's growth. if new players dont rage quit because of this. then they'll end up having a much better time. and probs will come back the day after. and the day after ETC. ETC. ETC.

And as Sneaky said. if they grind for a whole day. and then lose it to pd. the frustration of that is hardcore
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