New Roadcrew Truck

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Description of the idea:
I was reading this post and came up with the idea to replace the RC Truck with a realistic truck and a trailer which you can put multiple cars on and doesn't go flying in the air.

As I heard every vehicle for perp has to be from TDM cars, so I found these trucks and trailers from TDM. They are easy to use as you can see in this video I made:

- Add a small ramp prop which can be placed by roadcrew to be able to put the vehicles onto the trailer.
- Add the winch tool to pull the car onto the trailer (maybe customise the tool to make it realistic) or use the hook system from the current roadcrew vehicle.
- I use ropes in this video to fasten the car to the trailer but on perp the wheel clamps and handbrake will do the job.

Why should this be added? (pros):
- Easy to use
- More realistic
- No spassing out like the RC truck.
- Can transport multiple cars (Atleast 3 medium sized cars and 4 mini's)

What negatives could this have? (cons):
- May be alot of work to implement
- Too big

*Other additions:

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Simply way too big in my opinion. We don't need a full size lorry that's gonna struggle at every junction and right angle.

Perhaps something like these trucks, they seem roughly the same size as the fire engine
I think the rc trucks are good how it is currently. Why would you want a more efficient method of towing vehicles? I’m happy when there is a queue of broken vehicles. It keeps you busy and lets you think on how to be efficient with what you have. If you could tow 4 cars at the same time like you said, you will me stationed at the rc for ages. Also the spassing out, it’s hela fun, it amazes me everytime how shit the game really is.
You have way too much spare time

How would you get the cars off the truck? you only have a way to get them on.
This wont change anything really in regards to road crew workers mimging by intentionally spazzing out the truck. It will also just make the full process of towing a car far more time consuming than it needs to be.

It would also have to be added to the PERP content packs, which in turn would take up more data.

Adding a huge European style truck would only cause further issues too, as I can see this thing see-sawing on certain road areas of the map as well as in the event of Roadcrew having to go off-road.
What im saying is that if you could tow cars much quicker and all, you would be more stationed at the rc. Making rc boring

We are looking into changes for RC. But we will definitely not get such a big truck... Unsure if it even would fit under the intersection lights.
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