New swat van with ETS

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Topic: swat van with ets

Short explanation (in notes):
-we are in dyer need of a new van
-would add a more tactical way to do things
-add to rp

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
recently as swat i have been using the van to get an advantage on a raid at the subs houses mainly 1,2 and 3 to see through the top window so that the guys going in downstairs don't walk into a hail of lead so to speak. it think it would make swat be more tactical and would be able to perform more tactical things when using a ets. it would also add the the rp win the police department and would be fun as well. Basically what and ets stands for is Elevated Tactical System so basically a ramp to access the second and third floors of buildings. they also have many accessories like sniper rest and ballistic shield but that a little op. there is 3 different types but the ones i think would work best is the liberator or the MARS. the liberator is for medium swat vans like the bear cat and the mars is for the bad ass Bear which has multiple ramps. it could work like by pressing a button on the back like the rc car so it would go to adjustable heights depending on where you were about. It would have quite an extensive use as it could reach the third floor use could be used mostly anywhere with the except of the cityhall and top floors of all the apartment but it can also have the use of and elevated shooting platform so snipers can get the best shot on situations whether it be a hostage sit or suspicious package. i have seen this done in gta and it wasn't to hard to do supposed to be so i don't see how not.

Now the swat van, the one we have its just so bad, the handling is really bad and it looks horrible. the swat van it the game needs to be better in one way and i think if we got a new van like the ones in the pics it would fit in more and the people who go swat would actually want to drive it and be proud to. the one in game resemble the bear but i think one more like the bearcat would suit as we only have a small swat team not a 12 fully geared assault squad.

Liberator on a bearcat- upload_2015-1-16_21-50-41.jpeg upload_2015-1-16_21-50-58.jpeg

MARS on the BEAR- upload_2015-1-16_21-51-54.jpeg upload_2015-1-16_21-52-3.jpeg

additional notes
-perhaps breakable windows
-a breaching charge for windows
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While this is seriously awesome SAS-esque stuff, I can't see how this would be useful outside of very certain situations. If it was ridiculously huge I guess it could work for getting to the top of city hall or going through the barricaded parker shutters, but you can't break windows open on apartments or houses, limiting its use.
However, because it would be great for what it could do, I'm giving a +support.

Of course, the current swat van is bad. The textures are stone-age and the only thing it can do is drive.
A new swat van, like this, or not like this, would make a big difference. The van would really mean something than.
For me, it doesn't have to be this van, it can be the updated swat van.
Honestly why would you need that freaking ladder thing? Please tell me there are no windows at all that you can break that are that high up. As well just to note out; You've only just put out some random photos of a swat van with no model or anything meaning there is no way @StephenPuffs is supposed to find what you're talking about.
+ support, especially with subs houses. Having ets's will widen SWAT's abilities, as then other, previously difficult-to-access areas can be viewed quite safely.
Ladder is worthless as there is no way of getting in the windows ( 99 % of them are unbreakable ). +/- neutral
I'm kinda neutral on this. I agree a new SWAT truck would be cool with lots of flashy lights, there's two main types the old classic SWAT trucks

and the newish ones

I'd love to see a change, however I fell the one proposed looks a bit silly as it's not much use when raiding regal,slums,projex or glassco on really subs 1,2,3
(Sorry for the format of this and the huge pictures, couldn't change it)
Don't change what isn't retardedly bad or broken, current SWAT van is lovely. All I can see this creating is more hassle for the owners, as they will be having to fully customise a new van; the new SWAT van isn't too flashy, it's not too bad, if you're talking about giving SWAT all of these new different types of vehicles for a raid, it's a bit excessive.
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