Police Suggestion New TFU Grenade(s) + Launcher

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The Netherlands
Suggestion Title: New TFU Grenade(s) + Launcher
Suggestion Description: Looking through the suggestions the one from Tyla Jay came closest but mine is a bit differently implemented. (https://perpheads.com/threads/6-non-lethal-tfu-grenades.41299/)

My idea :
To give TFU some new equipment helping them aid into the safe apprehending of armed suspects indoors.
Currently we all know that Slums/Regals & Projex can become an absolute clusterf*ck if there is a big raid happening or if a lot of officers try to apprehend a 9.5 suspect on a warrant. This equipment would help these situations to resolve in a better RP scenario where more people can stay alive.

What would this new equipment be?
- A Grenade Launcher
- A Stinger Grenade
- A Tear Gas(TG) Grenade

For the grenade launcher :
The grenade launcher is their to help TFO to shoot either the Stinger or tear gas grenade further into the room by bouncing it off the wall without needing to expose themselves. The grenade launcher can only be used for the above mentioned grenades and not for the flashbang grenade.

For the stinger grenade:
The stinger will deal very minor damage but makes the people hit by it move as if they were crippled for 5-10 seconds depending on range away from the grenade, This would result in them more likely hiding if they are hit by it then standing in the open so that another TFO is able to throw a flash inside.
Radius : Same as an MkII
Damage : Like a singular punch from a new player
Duration : 5-10 seconds
Detonation time : 3 seconds

For the tear gas grenade:
The tear gas grenade will temporarily blur the vision of people effected as if they were hungry. Further more will it stop the regeneration for the time exposed to the gas.
Radius : Same as a flashbang
Damage : None, but stops regenerating for as long as exposed.
Duration : up to 15 seconds
Detonation time : 4 seconds

Why should this be added?:
- TFU now can try to be more tactical resulting in more people staying alive on both sides.
- Can be used as scare tactic or aid with their current flashbang (e.g. One TFO uses the grenade launcher to shoot a tear gas grenade into slums 3, then another TFO has a flash ready to throw it into the room to flash the suspects while their vision is blurred from the tear gas to apprehend them safely)
- More realistic then just rushing in and emptying a mag on everyone you see with a weapon.

What negatives could this have?:
- Could be a bit powerful, solution to this however, maybe restrict the launcher for these 2 new grenades to TFO sgt+ or ssgt+

What problem would this suggestion solve?: It gives TFU the equipment to aid them in apprehending suspects instead of killing them.
Can be used with their other equipment like their flashbang to safely apprehend suspects resulting in lesser deaths from both sides.

Useful Images:
I honestly don't think that TFU need this, you can easily throw a grenade into the storage area of the apartments and the idea of a grenade that temporarily cripples you isn't that great imo. Also the tear grenade would never be used as people have stimpacks. Limiting equipment to TFU sgt also doesn't fix the issue of it being strong because the point of a TFO is to have the equipment at their disposal to deal with situations, not to climb the ranks so they can hopefully get to use a useless grenade launcher.
TFU in my opinion, do not require any additional utility past the flash, if you are still dying even while having access to 2 Flash grenades per person, then it more or less a you issue, These types of grenades would also be quite powerful, as having vision as if you were starving would be a significant disadvantage, as well as not needing more equipment that can make you feel as if you are crippled(if you want someone crippled just aim for the legs) TFOs already have significant amounts of armour on them, and can tank slightly more damage then the regular civillian, which assist them into pushing suspects who are barricaded within a base.
TFU in my opinion, do not require any additional utility past the flash, if you are still dying even while having access to 2 Flash grenades per person, then it more or less a you issue, These types of grenades would also be quite powerful, as having vision as if you were starving would be a significant disadvantage, as well as not needing more equipment that can make you feel as if you are crippled(if you want someone crippled just aim for the legs) TFOs already have significant amounts of armour on them, and can tank slightly more damage then the regular civillian, which assist them into pushing suspects who are barricaded within a base.
Yes, but this will in 9 out of 10 cases result in a lot of deaths (10-45D) as due to the adrenaline the officer kept shooting past the stage where the suspect was already down. I don't blame TFO for this will allow for less lethal force to be used.
Yes, but this will in 9 out of 10 cases result in a lot of deaths (10-45D) as due to the adrenaline the officer kept shooting past the stage where the suspect was already down. I don't blame TFO for this will allow for less lethal force to be used.
This is mostly due to the strength of the weapon, not the fact that the tfo cant let go of left click
Your suggestion will not effect casuallty rates, as the majority of the reason people blackscreen while fighting TFU is due to the fact that they are shooting a Fully auto weapon and catch a bullet on the way down after being shot down, these different type of grenades will not effect that in any way.
What problem would this suggestion solve?: It gives TFU the equipment to aid them in apprehending suspects instead of killing them.
Can be used with their other equipment like their flashbang to safely apprehend suspects resulting in lesser deaths from both sides.
What problem would this actually be solving though? What is wrong with what the current loadout and tactics provide from a gameplay perspective that this would improve on?
I already have a texture for a stinger waiting for the day. I will make my own suggestion for a stinger grenade however as the way you’ve described it, as well as this whole suggestion, is in a manner that I wouldn’t want it.

Launcher would be stupid if it fired grenade projectiles and would work better as a less lethal tool as a baton gun.

Tear gas would be too disbalanced, it’s been tried as far as I’m aware and it just didn’t work out the way it should in terms of balance.
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