New Tutorials and FAQ (Yes I have a few for adding in)

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England, Norfolk
Topic: Adding in new Tutorials and FAQ

Short explanation (in notes):
- During the last post Stephen requested that new Tutorials and FAQ be typed up to then be added in. I have made a few much needed ones

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):

Weapon Handling
All weapons but Melee start off in your inventory note you can only carry one Primary and One secondary. Once equiped you should automaticly switch to it which will be in a lowered stance called "Passive", In passive your weapon cannot be fired, aimed or reloaded to take the weapon out of passive left click only once and it will be raised. When your weapon is raised you can do anything a weapon can do Fire, Aim and reload. In this state your weapon will be pointing forward and any person you point the weapon at must abide to Fear RP. Note you should not use weapons in public unless your life or if you are a cop Civilians life is in danger. To switch the weapon back to passive to use your scroll wheel or numbers and select something else like keys or fists do this again to holster the weapon.

Most weapons require magazines with ammo in them to operate to load ammo in the mag simply left click it. To use the loaded mag just reload your gun and you will load the magazine, once the clip is sent reload again and the mag will be in your inventory or swapped with another. Be aware that the only weapons that do not require magazines are Shotguns and Sniper Rifles. Holstering weapons means that they are no longer in your hands but all two handed weapons (Not including MP5A5) shows up on your back and if the police see it they can arrest you for it.

All vehicles in the game are not the same to another every one of them is unique however some needs a bit of mastery to use correctly. Vehicles are everywhere and they are your ticket to fully exploring the city of Paralake but there are some need to know things about them. Firstly you cannot just jump into any car all of them are locked and you need keys or be buddied to be able to unlock and get in it.

R-Engine Start/Stop
Q-Radio/Siren if emergancy services
Shift-Emergancy Lights government jobs only (Roadcrew gets Hazard lights which should not be used as emergancy)
Left and right click-Indicators left and right
Left+Right-Hazard Lights
1-6 - LightBar Messages (Police only)
C - Set car to public access/Friends only
Alt - Horn

Calling A Staff Member
You get into situations when you believe that A rule has been broken and you want A staff member to deal with the situation. Using /report then entering information will add a report onto a list in which available staff members can respond to when they can, Note that they may take awhile to respond as they may have other reports or they are currently in an RP situation. When the staff member arrives you should be complient and respectful even if you have been waiting a whole hour. The staff member will listen to both sides then give his verdict based on evidence if needed he will ask to to post an Action request allowing you to give all the information and provide video evidence. After sometime a Staff Member will review then decide what action should be taken and if it gets Accepted or Denied.

FAQ section

What is the difference between Rules and Laws?
Laws are in character and are enforced by the Police however if any of the Emergancy services or the other jobs break Laws thay can also break a Rule

Rules are out of character and must be followed at all times by everyone. Only staff members can deal with rule breaks and you are not allowed to break a rule to try stop a rule breaker while you did stop him you will probably not stop the punishment you would recieve.

Someone is pointing a gun at me should I draw mine and fire?
No you are breaking Fail RP if you do so and will most likely be dead before you could raise the weapon. You should fully comply to anyone pointing a weapon at you and not take risks that would put your life at risk which is also a rule you should follow. Even if he wants you to drop everything you have you should do it. If you believe that he is breaking a rule use /report but do not stall because of this continue complying (Unless he has aknowledged this and agrees to wait for a admin when talking to him in Local OOC)
Optional additions:
- This is just a Draft.
- If you have any that you think should be added in go right ahead.
- @StephenPuffs Here you go get your fingers ready for some typind because as you said. JUst make the Tutorials and FAQ's and I will put them in.

When clicking I accept on the joining message have a quick once only test to make sure they have read some of them.

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