Niko Appreciation Thread

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
A thread made for a longtime friend of this community I met in 2014 along with many others, this one stuck out to me a lot. Almost like a sore thumb, but a good one.

I don't wish to single out this member as the only person with personal problems currently going on in this community. Show the others some support too if you see them to make them noticed and aware.

No amount of words I write here can actually express my actual gratitude to this person. Someone who has stuck with us for a long time in his recent struggles that has been going on in this shitty year of 2020 for everyone it has struck Niko hard with a recent passing of a family member as well as a small companion //Edit: Also recently with another hospitalization, what the fuck is going on. All I can wish for him right now is the best and all the help we can offer to get him through this phase. Always generous and donating gifts/games (Also Premium! A total of 1100+ Euro's donated) his efforts have definitely stood out to several others here.

I'd love to write a very long thread but I'm semi-bad at them, especially during online class where I actually should focus. If you have any wishes please leave them here in this thread. Or any videos or screenshots.
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Niko is the most genuine, friendly, and generous person I have ever met online and he deserves nothing but good things. He has always put a smile on my face ever since I started getting to know him and made me love a game I didn't think I'd ever play again.
This man has bought me so much shit, and he just doesn't stop doing it. He keeps on buying me more games or in-game items on other games, even when you tell him to stop doing it because its a waste of his money. Niko wants nothing but others to be happy and I respect that so fucking much.

From physgunning my Mini Cooper into the sea to surfing on my car that he bought me or even just chatting with him on Teamspeak or Steam chat. He always appears to be happy and always makes other smile. No homo, I love you.

Don't fucking change Niko, you have the most unique personality I have ever seen. Keep doing you.
Niko is an exemplary member of this community, anyone who aspires to improve themselves should look up to him. He's a great person and has contributed greatly to the community through time served as a staff member.

I genuinely hope he returns, stronger than before. You've done great things for all of us in different ways. Bless you Niko.
Absolute top lad.

I haven't talked to Niko a lot before recent events happened but I've been talking to him recently and I already kinf of picked up on what kind of person he is, it's not difficult to see after all;
Niko is a very nice and caring individual. I believe that people like him are a dying breed on this server (and everywhere else for that matter) and wish more people picked up on some of his personality traits. This being said, it completely breaks my fucking heart to see what life has put him through, I cannot begin to imagine how hard life must be for him right now.

All he needs to do really is surround himself with people that are like him, although they are difficult to find these days.

stay strong and never change niko <3
he's bought me multiple hentai games and max payne 3 and i haven't given him shit, such a nice person and i hope one day i can repay him
Nice and friendly guy, nice guy to talk to, and also the same guy who gave me a bunch of hentai games very much appreciated Niko although I'm not speaking a lot to Niko and or on the server a lot as much as before, his laugh is amazing and makes me laugh myself, great guy. Hope everything is good soon :)

@Niko has always been an absolute Danish king (sorry @Imperial Watch you're the queen).

I remember back in 2014 he was kind enough to tp and sit with me whilst I was tied to a tree and talk whilst keeping me company.

His generosity knows no bounds. He purchased me and many others multiple games for Christmas a few years ago. Enough so that when I mentioned it to my mother in passing at how generous he was, they thought I was being groomed online.

He has always been a honest person and I wish him the very best