NLR and reconnecting

Should rejoining the server be considered NLR/3.5?

  • Keep the rule as it is, reconnecting is not NLR.

  • Change the rule to specifically say reconnecting is NLR.

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At this moment in time the rule 3.5 does not mention anything regarding reconnecting to the server. This is an issue as staff members all have different opinions on whenever reconnecting to the server is considered NLR. I have a example that happened to me.

Last week Code Monkey mugged me inside of my bazaar shop, as he ran with his car i chased him down to the PD where he hugged the PD for a time and shortly after disconnected. I then talked with an admin to clarify whenever i could take revenge when he came back on the day after. He told me since it wasn't clarified in 3.5 as long as i did not join a job i could still take revenge. I did so with a car bomb, after it detonated i was brought in a sit with a different admin who said the same thing.

Now half an hour ago i saw this topic:
@Testa Lagusa is saying that reconnecting to the server is indeed 3.5

This needs clarification, personally my opinion is this: The rule should keep as it is, there is no reason for that reconnecting to the server should be considered as NLR. This will maintain RP and users can not avoid repercussion of their actions just by leaving the server. Taking revenge is one of the fun things on the server, thus why i enjoy getting mugged. In addition if reconnecting to the server was actually NLR then police warrants should also be gone. Also if you crashed or had to go for a period it would be silly to 'forget' everything.
I could've potentially received a warning due to this if anyone other than Testa was handling the situation mentioned. Currently, I feel that it needs more clarification, because I have 2 weeks playtime yet I was entirely unaware of this part of the 3.5 rule. It should be made clear that reconnecting either is or isn't 3.5, based on the decision of senior administration.
I believe the problem is if reconnecting would be considerd 3.5 people can for example mug someone etc then disconnect and reconnect after in a bit then the person who got mugged can't take revenge because the other person has started a new life.

Is this the situation you want? @MrLewis
Reconnecting should not be a get out of jail free card and mean you cant be killed, I don't see a problem with introducing a "On server restart its a new life" or something like that so if someone does something to you you then have a day to deal with them but making it so people can DC to avoid getting killed is dumb.
*Will add something to stop people getting salty if they left and someone they'd attacked prior came to mess them up, dw*

There should be an exception to it, like 30 min window if you crashed and i agree with adding something for people who abuse it.
There should be an exception to it, like 30 min window if you crashed and i agree with adding something for people who abuse it.

Having a set time will never work

  1. How do people keep track of this time
  2. People can leave the server for 30 minutes and now cannot be killed
  3. Infinite ARs because someone killed them 31 minutes after they left the server and rejoined at then 31 minute mark.
It should just be on server restart so you have 1 day to enact revenge
I mean, it's a silly point. Not trying to bend anything just pointing out the obvious, if someone plays all day then disconnects till the next day, why should they get to act on something that happened the days before? It make's literally no sense

I think what he's trying to say is, it can be abused, well within the confines of the rules outlined. There could be a cutoff point of sorts to prevent people disconnecting, taking a short hiatus to run to the shops and back, and then reconnecting after twenty minutes with no real consequences for the six car bombings they did prior.

I think it would be good if after say, four hours of being disconnected, NLR comes into effect, else it counts as not NLR. That way it doesn't affect RP by using disconnecting as a 'get out of jail free' card, but people don't get mollied for something they did several days prior.
This is kind of a roleplay server, disconnecting and coming back later on shouldn't make it a new life, that's just no fun.

A good example is the police computer, your record (and wanted status) is kept over when you rejoin, this allows for quality roleplay, even a couple of weeks later. Plus some officers have do some amazing stuff with trying to sus out where people base over a couple of days.

What are the benefits with making a new session a new life?
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hey man thanks for buying me vip let me just reconnect oh wait i forgot lol i have a property with props in it ah well guess im not allowed to go collect the props and re buy the property hehe lol
[DOUBLEPOST=1502392298,1502388160][/DOUBLEPOST]im not very clever am i
So the rule change now means disconnecting for over an hour is regarded as a new life. I strongly disagree with this, I don't feel there are any pros for this change, this is going to destroy roleplay which has already been raised in this thread. Also the Police Computer system is not updated so this will cause so much confusion with warrants.

Am I just overreacting? Just wanted opinions from others.
So the rule change now means disconnecting for over an hour is regarded as a new life. I strongly disagree with this, I don't feel there are any pros for this change, this is going to destroy roleplay which has already been raised in this thread. Also the Police Computer system is not updated so this will cause so much confusion with warrants.

Am I just overreacting? Just wanted opinions from others.

I also strongly disagree with it but the topic was closed, and so was the suggestion made by sneaky. Only 2 min after making it. Do we have to let warrants expire after an hour being offline?
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An hour is not enough time imo, make it a week at most. Organizations have beef all the time, someone mugs an org member and they spend the next few days with some org beef. Also, how are org wars going to continue this way if you forget everything within an hour? A week would be enough for both warrants and some org beef, then again it's just an opinion.
An hour is not enough time imo, make it a week at most. Organizations have beef all the time, someone mugs an org member and they spend the next few days with some org beef. Also, how are org wars going to continue this way if you forget everything within an hour? A week would be enough for both warrants and some org beef, then again it's just an opinion.

I agree, I'm sure criminal roleplay relies on being able to do stuff days after the incident. The whole reason I implemented the Police Computer was to slow down the pace of roleplay and allow roleplay situations to be prolonged and stretched out.
Step 1: Raid leaving DNA everywhere and getting warranted.
Step 2: Leave the server for an hour to make and eat lunch.
Step 3: ????
Step 4: Profit
This topic is full of arguments on why NLR shouldn't apply after leaving the server. During the staff meeting what arguments were used on why NLR should be applied upon leaving? Because I can't think of any benefits on why it was implemented. Maybe some staff can shed light on this?
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