Useful Keybinds via Console Commands

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sneed's feed & seed
hej mens)) I'll be sharing a few of the keybind's that I am using which are very convenient and help smooth out the gameplay experience. In order to use these keybinds, you will need to enable the developer console in your settings and input the command lines as follows (feel free to replace the key that I am using with a key of your own).

STOPSOUND: bind "L" stopsound -- This keybind is great when it comes to QoL as the alarms in PH can be extremely loud and annoying. I simply press L and the alarm sound stops.

PANIC: bind "P" "say /panic" -- This eliminates the process of opening your chat and writing /panic and makes it into a simple keybind instead.

POLICE, STOP!: bind "M" "say /y *PLPD* PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" AND bind "," "say /y *PLPD* PULL OVER AT THE NEAREST PARKING LOT!" -- These two binds are self explanatory, very useful when playing as cop.