No more kidnapping

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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: Rule 5.6
Your version of the rule: Players may not offer a ride for the sole purpose of kidnapping and mugging other players. Players may kidnap other players if deemed necessary or if they had some past history with them.
Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited: Right now the rule clearly states that no matter what happens you cannot kidnap anyone anymore unless you're taking them hostage. I think that this is not really necessary, well not all of it. Maybe offering a ride just to kidnap someone is un-needed which I have no problem with enforcing, but if someone mugs you and you decide to kidnap and mug them it's against the rules. Because it has now become something that is against the rules even though it wasn't back then. About the "Outweigh the risks" part I don't think you need to add that to the rule either because if they do kidnap someone without thinking about their risks then that would be against 3.4. An example of this is kidnapping someone in the middle of the highway because they scammed you or something. That shouldn't be allowed, but saying that kidnapping anyone and mugging them is not allowed anymore is pretty dumb in my opinion because there are people who you want to mug because they killed your friend or something and the only thing thats keeping you from kidnapping and mugging them is this rule. That is why I think it needs some adjustments.

I'm going to make a poll and see what you guys think? Do you want this rule to be adjusted or stay the same?
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Not really needed. The rule does not state that you can only kidnap a person if you are going to use them as a hostage. You can kidnap a guy and then mug him for revenge, what is not allowed is randomly kidnapping people just for the mugging part.
At least that's what I believe.
I misread it. If you are allowed to shoot someone for mugging you then you should be allowed to kidnap and mug them too. +support
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It clearly says you can if you have past history, i.e have been mugged by them before.

Where exactly does it say "You can mug someone if you have some past history with them?"
All I can see is the last sentence which clearly says kidnapping someone just to mug them is not allowed.
You seem to have all came to the conclusion that the rule stops kidnap mugging altogether. From my interpretation it just means you cannot take a random guy from the street and kidnap then mug him. As such to prevent new players 'getting a lift' then losing their money. If you have a reason to kidnap and mug them the it is fine.
But doesn't this make taxi drivers useless? I thought taxi drivers were used as a ride you could trust taking safely.
I am not sure why there is such confusion over this rule. In the end you can clearly read:
"Kidnapping another player with the sole intent of mugging them for their items is not allowed."
What does this mean you may ask? This means that you cannot kidnap a random guy so you can mug him easily.
The rule does NOT stop you from kidnaping a guy and mugging him IF YOU HAVE A REASON. You can see in the rule that it says "Kidnapping another player with the sole intent of mugging them for their items is not allowed."
This means that if a guy has done something bad to you, for example killed a friend of yours and/or mugged you etc. You ARE allowed to kidnap him and mug him as you are not kidnaping him FOR THE SOLE INTENT TO GET HIS ITEMS rather than revenge.
Hope this explains to you what this rule is all about.
I am not sure why there is such confusion over this rule. In the end you can clearly read:
"Kidnapping another player with the sole intent of mugging them for their items is not allowed."
What does this mean you may ask? This means that you cannot kidnap a random guy so you can mug him easily.
The rule does NOT stop you from kidnaping a guy and mugging him IF YOU HAVE A REASON. You can see in the rule that it says "Kidnapping another player with the sole intent of mugging them for their items is not allowed."
This means that if a guy has done something bad to you, for example killed a friend of yours and/or mugged you etc. You ARE allowed to kidnap him and mug him as you are not kidnaping him FOR THE SOLE INTENT TO GET HIS ITEMS rather than revenge.
Hope this explains to you what this rule is all about.
A bunch of people already said the same thing, and this may be true. But I want a Staff Member to confirm that this is true because I don't want to end up using "Lelios told me it was ok" as a reason. Once the staff members confirm that what you said is true then we could move on and possibly close this thread.
Players may not offer a ride for the sole purpose of kidnapping and mugging other players.
This is already in the rules under 5.6
Kidnapping another player with the sole intent of mugging them for their items is not allowed.
Also what I've understood from your version of the rule you wish to be able to mug people or take them hostage if you have previous history with them, this is technically still allowed by the rule 5.6 as you can read here
Player(s) may only kidnap another player if it is absolutely necessary and benefits the player to such an extent that it outweighs the risks

If you believe someone is about to put your life in danger with information that they have with you, or if you believe that you have the rights to take revenge on them with the police not noticing it you obviously may take this into your own hands aslong as you don't risk your own life in a way where the risk of you dying is higher than you surviving-


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