No rifles day

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Description of the idea: This server is plagued with shootings and as much fun as that can be for TFU and rich civilians its a pain in the backside for those who don't have access to rifles. It's difficult to enjoy a roleplay server when a shootout is occurring every 5 mins. So I propose a day, every week, where no one is able to use any type of rifle to allow people to roleplay instead of die every 5 mins.

Why should this be added? (pros): Encourages more roleplay on the server and prevents constant deaths of powerless people which can hinder play experience. It may also allow people who don't yet have enough money to buy rifles to be able to defend their bases from raids from extremely overpowered organizations.

What negatives could this have? (cons): Some people may not like the idea of roleplaying without rifles as it makes it more difficult to raid.

EDIT: Added to the poll an option for this being implemented once a month
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Wait, I thought you guys were joking.

I'd be up to try this out but people would maybe minge around with it too much and just wait for excuses to use them to make use of such a special event, same happened with the whitelist revert.
This is a ridiculous idea, the reason Marksmanship was removed was so that everyone could be on a leveled playing field when they use rifles or any other gun for that matter. This is a snowflake type stretch
I understand that but most people don't have the same power, money, organization help, ping or PC capabilities to be able to combat the constant shootouts.
"PC capabilities" everyone has about 5 fps in shootouts due to retarded police officers leaving their lights on
Just use your assits wisely. I never had much money. Nor did I spend much money on crafting. So when I start an 'operation' and I can't bring a rifle I just think how can I adjust my plan so it will still work. If you don't have rifles take pistols and go for a stealth operation. Or maybe you can assassinate someone with your car.

The point I am trying to make. Their will always be poor and rich. I think it brings an extra dimension to the game. If your new you have to start with small crimes: mugging, scamming etc. When you progress you become a bigger criminal. Doing bigger jobs like bank raids.

Everyone was new at a certain point. Just invest in your characters life.
If you ever have questions on how to approach certain situations, just contact me.
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Fuck no. Some people only have rifles in their storage including me and stripping them of literally their only guns they have would be fucking aids fat no from me
National holiday for beretta cops?????? No thanks. We'd all just use UMP's and MP5's and get the same results as with rifles anyways?
Honestly I understand where you come from as we all have been there and it’s a struggle but honestly I suggest to do small crimes just like @Alliat said like camp the Drug dealer or mug fishers, start crafting as it’s a easy way to get in an org as people need crafters in them. But there is no way that the no rifle thing is a good thing to implement as the minging will rise to the roof I mean ngl I’m one of them
No offence, this is the most ridiculous idea to be posted. It sounds ok, but come to think about it, the reason you are dying is either your tactics or you are not hitting as many shots as you would be and spray n' praying.

You can easily kill people who have rifles when you have a sidearm if you use your head and go somewhere they will not easily see you. Not to mention, If you're a senior officer, go ahead and use the P99 Or Beretta. Both of those are good firearms at your rank.

As @Firuz132 said, Perp already has some minges, think of what would happen if this occurred. You'd just have people rushing you.

Something you haven't taken into account is, How would this work? Coding for this would be quite a lot, even then, what's to say it won't cause bugs?
Seems like the overall opinion on this is negative. This was a very crude idea and will hopefully serve as a gateway for more elaborate ideas to tackle this issue. Thank you all for sharing your opinions!
Its an interesting idea, although I don't see this being executed very well.
to allow people to roleplay instead of die every 5 mins.

People simply don't have the ability to roleplay, regardless if they have a gun or not. If there's no guns, people will just find alternatives. This is just the perp community, cancer. You try do the smallest of a /me and they're already running away without interacting.
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