Notes on Cooking Meth

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Hello guys, this night a friend and I went into the magical realm of cooking meth.
After many fails, we figured it out with help of @Dom_ and @Tinky. Thank you both

  • Keep the temperature between 150°C and 200°C.
    • Switch between cooker setting 3 and 4.
  • To get started you'll need
    • 2 Erlenmeyer Flasks (DIY)
    • 2 Beakers (DIY)
    • 1 Chemical Table (DIY)
    • 2 Propane Tanks (Hardware Store)
    • 2 Cookers (Hardware Store, right NPC)
    • 2 Distillation Kits (DIY)
    • Meth for Dummies Book (Drug Dealer)
  • You can't cook in every property only in warehouses like Glass Co, Parker and Moron (that I know of)
Shopping List for every batch
Always buy 2!

Step 1 - Distilling
  1. Place the distillery on your cookers on your chemical table
  2. Add the Erlenmeyer Flasks on your chemical table
  3. Add Ingredients: Ephedrine and Ethyl Ether
Step 2 - Cooking
  1. Place the beakers on your cookers
  2. Add Ingredient immediately: Matches and distilled ephedrine
  3. Add Ingredient at 50%: Lye and Starch
Step 3 - Crystallizing
  1. Place the beakers with liquid meth on the bare table and wait
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  • Try Sudafed instead of Ephedrine. Sudafed is legal, so you don't have to worry about carrying it around. Also, test 4 batches if it gets you more or less.
  • I hear distilled lake water is better sometimes as well?
  • Try random phosphorus such as Baking Powder instead of matches.
  • Try other medicines instead of Ephedrine and Sudafed. Painkillers?
  • As a binder, instead of starch, try glue?
  • Instead of Ethyl Ether or Muriatic Acid, I hear people substitute this for Lye instead, and it's cheaper and gains more?
Yes and we definitely used that, but as you saw yourself we had trouble with the right ingredients. That's why I posted this. Without your guide we would've been nowhere so thank you
Oh good lord.

Baking powder isn't phosporus, its a binder.

iirc sudafed is the lowest yield as a primary ingredient. Anyone who walks around with ephedrine on them probably deserves to lose it.

Save the lye for the cocaine.

Glue as a binder lmfao I don't even need to say why this is bad.

This is what your meth will look like if you follow this guys instructions:



Now, transfer 100k to 3325443 and I'll tell you how to make the crystal clear, or even, the BLUE shit!

never rlly made this public but here it is, best method + recipe, many people already know/seen it already

always try to get it as close to 200 as possible before turning it down, fastest time, if you can balance it between 195-199 but i cba with all that so i just do 190-199, works about as good
Yes we figured out the temperature thing today! Thank you for linking, very useful information
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