Hello guys, this night a friend and I went into the magical realm of cooking meth.
After many fails, we figured it out with help of @Dom_ and @Tinky. Thank you both
Always buy 2!
Step 1 - Distilling
After many fails, we figured it out with help of @Dom_ and @Tinky. Thank you both
- Keep the temperature between 150°C and 200°C.
- Switch between cooker setting 3 and 4.
- To get started you'll need
- 2 Erlenmeyer Flasks (DIY)
- 2 Beakers (DIY)
- 1 Chemical Table (DIY)
- 2 Propane Tanks (Hardware Store)
- 2 Cookers (Hardware Store, right NPC)
- 2 Distillation Kits (DIY)
- Meth for Dummies Book (Drug Dealer)
- You can't cook in every property only in warehouses like Glass Co, Parker and Moron (that I know of)
Always buy 2!

Step 1 - Distilling
- Place the distillery on your cookers on your chemical table
- Add the Erlenmeyer Flasks on your chemical table
- Add Ingredients: Ephedrine and Ethyl Ether
- Place the beakers on your cookers
- Add Ingredient immediately: Matches and distilled ephedrine
- Add Ingredient at 50%: Lye and Starch
- Place the beakers with liquid meth on the bare table and wait
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