NPC missions for delivery driver

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Topic: Make the delivery driver less boring and actually playable

Short explanation (in notes):
- Players can take AI missions that have them retrieve the item from the main npc and drive to a certain location with an npc [Pd, fd, hospital, taxi driver, cd, etc].
- The players have unlimited time to get to the destination with the package, but are awarded more if they are faster.
-They can also accept player based deliveries

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
This should be added because the delivery driver job is boring and no body ever calls for a delivery. This should be added also because it could be another LEGAL way to gain money quick, instead of drugs being the quick way. This could really help new players who don't know a lot of the rules for certain factions. It can also create a lot of rp, find a friend to drive with you and rp being truck drivers or something, stop at gas stations for breaks and stuff. It just gives a lot of new opportunities for this job that is never utilized and is a good way to legally make quick money, which the server definitely needs more of.

Optional additions:
- Maybe new vehicles
-Allow the delivery vehicle to be taken without having to have a car (Helpful for new players)
-800 to 2000 for every delivery
If the Delivery man only has one SWEP for both deliveries, how would that work? If an AI mission came in and another Player delivery came in, how would it work. Would they have a choice between them?
Who would you give the package to? The NPC's or would there be new NPCs located who call you to give them their packages?
If the Delivery man only has one SWEP for both deliveries, how would that work? If an AI mission came in and another Player delivery came in, how would it work. Would they have a choice between them?
Who would you give the package to? The NPC's or would there be new NPCs located who call you to give them their packages?
They would have to complete whatever mission they were on first, after they deliver the first package they may accept the 2nd mission from a player. The npcs would prob just be the normal ones that exist in all the buildings.
not a big fan of this idea, mainly due to the fact that this server is supposed to be run by players, players depending on other players, not just running "quests" for "NPC's" This server is supposed to be a roleplay server, where you roleplay with other Players. not with NPC's like in MMORPG's like WOW. all in all:
i agree on what you said: no one makes orders because there never is a delivery man and no one want to be delivery man because no one makes ordres. BUT instead of making the NPCs ask for orders to be delivered (to have some delivery, to have someone who plays the delivery man) i would only increase the paycheck and the amount of money you gain for deliverying the package (but not that much you suggested)
As good as idea as it may sound, it also comes with a lot of downfalls. Adding "NPC Missions" is basically just going to turn Delivery Guy into a sort of mini-game, if you like. This means that delivery times will be a lot slower as the general excuse will be "I was on a mission, sorry". For the mini-game reason, im sorry but im going to have to -Support this idea.
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