Police Suggestion Officers earn more money!

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Brief description of idea: Officers can earn more money depending on their performance. The money per minute stays the same (Maybe remove the vip factor) but depending on what you do, you get more money. For example. You just got an arrest an put a suspect in jail. You earn 5k. Or you ticket someone. You earn 15% of the ticket or to prevent people putting high tickets you just earn the same money for every ticket. Or you make a code that detects keywords like 9.5 or 9.2 and depending on that it gives you money. Kills should also give you money (around 5k per kill or lower) and teamkilling should give you a negative amount of money. There should be no notice that you recieved money because people would know for certain if they got a kill. The average earning of the officers should be around 60-80% of the average earnings from drugs. Also supervisors rewarding officers substantially based on teamwork and communication to prevent kill hungry or baiting cops. Cops that are baiting should recieve punishment. OR just make the police pay higher to get 90-80% of the money the criminals get in one hour. Maybe make it more difficult to become an officer. Kind of like before. Same thing with SO. With this addition many people will want to become officer and that would allow us to higher the standards and requirment.

What benefits would this idea have for the department: The officers have a passive way to earn almost as much money as the civilians. Promotes more active officers. Makes people more two sides, cops/criminals, Higher income for both sides and promotes more RP for civilian officers as they dont need to be criminal anymore, Same time more professional officer because of the higher standards.

What potential negatives could this have for the department: Cops baiting civilians for kills or to commit crimes, Makes people more two sides, cops/criminals.

Other additions: The economy of officers and criminals need to be balanced, this is just a example of a way to do it. Of course officers can impossibly earn more then people growing. Thats just too unfair. Instead the PLPD shot only earn around 75% the 81k people growing earn. So around 60 750 per hour. That may be too much, probably lower i dont know.
Not really needed, you are already appropriately compensated for your rank and roles in the PD.
normally you earn around 60-120 per minute without any mayor. Lets say you get 80. Thats 5k per hour as an officer. In 6 hours you got 30k. As a criminal, in 6 hours you got around 600k. Doesnt make sense to me.
Simple Answer
Rank up=More Money
You already get money from confiscations.
seeming as perp has revived now shootouts tend to happen loads. you sometimes get 1k for a gun. I for one get a decent amount of money.
Don't forget, criminals, lose guns drugs etc whereas cops just lose 5 Minutes of their time. No point in this. If you want more money, Rank up, apply for administrative roles (Patrol Trainer, TFU Trainer, Internal Affairs, People Services etc) and get money through that.
110K Per month as IA And Patrol Trainer. About 60K Per day as a cop.

jajajajajajaja vro look everyones laughing at how funny you are
Max pay as Captain gets me about $736 a minute.

Including the administrative bonus, my ranks which include currently; Head of Internal Affairs(CO), People Services Member, TFU Trainer, RTU Trainer, I got 220k for last month.
5K for putting a suspect in? people could easily farm this and would make the PD more toxic, also the higher you rank up the more money you make makes sense to me e.g

With vip SO gets $490 a minute as CPL you get $500 - 600 I think? atm its very fair and if you are a criminal you will lose guns, drugs, e.c.t If you want to make the criminal money then become a criminal and dont cop main??
5k per hour as an officer? Firstly, way to go at getting the median in the range..... Secondly, you're not factoring in the confiscation money. Additionally, the worst that can happen to you as a cop is being black screened for 5 minutes lmao
No. As lots of stuff above has previously been mentioned, ie ranks and admin work changes the amount you get. I can earn easily 500k in the plpd on a good week, plus I think something you need to take into account, you shoot down someone in their apartment while they're growing + have a ar, they've lost upwards of 30k, so for being an officer you have no risk of money, you don't even need to spend money on fuel if you respawn your police vehicle, and you're getting decent amount per minute, one of your reasons here was to balance criminals from police however when police can actually spend money and they go off duty they tend to be a criminal, so I don't see boosting the amount officers get to be beneficial as much as I like more money in my pocket.
I don't see any pro's from this. We already have a playerbase that would rather play cop a lot more than civ. This would only make that wrose.
I can just imagine now that if you get 5k for arresting someone, I’ll be arresting people if I see a gun from 2 miles away when I’m stood in public.
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