[OFFICIAL] The Condemned

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Join ingame. I don't believe we're recruiting at the moment due to the fact that Acerius is away IRL, there for I am the current leader (as Jagace is still banned I think) and I am unable to recruit, so I am sorry.
You must be a male in order to join the organization; the ruling family do not approve of female criminals. - I don't know if I should find this rule sexist, or not?
chloe said:
You must be a male in order to join the organization; the ruling family do not approve of female criminals. - I don't know if I should find this rule sexist, or not?
Pretty sure it is ICly.
chloe said:
You must be a male in order to join the organization; the ruling family do not approve of female criminals. - I don't know if I should find this rule sexist, or not?
As Trande said, its your IC character that needs to be male.
chloe said:
You must be a male in order to join the organization; the ruling family do not approve of female criminals. - I don't know if I should find this rule sexist, or not?
Your character needs to be male, regardless of your real-life gender.
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