Operation Break Perpheads

Reaction score


We decided, for the meme, we want to hit 100 players today. As an incentive to join we will be doing the following.

3 months of VIP will be awarded to 10 players on the server when we reach 100 players.
Two free spins for every two hours of concurrent playtime (one if not premium).

Make the trike the vehicle of choice for the spin to win wheel! (will be set to the trike later in the day)
Good luck to everyone in the giveaways and we hope to see you there to make history!
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i am particularly good at breaking perpheads.com but only disgruntled members of the fake police force.
Thanks for everyone participating, it has really been a blast today and been better than any of our expectations:

Congratulations to @✪ lencz for winning the trike today (as well as @Bolli and @Collier, @Collier already owned it so he received half of it's $1 value instead.)

We also had the Premium giveaway and the following people won 3 months of Premium:
betts x 2 (i.e. 6 Months)
Dr. Dräjj
It has been applied to your accounts already, if you did not receive it, please pm me.

We hope that you enjoyed today as well and we will likely leave the server at a higher slot count in the future, but that is still up for debate.
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Genuinely had a lot of fun today and absolutely destroyed my cash trying to the tricycle lol

Hope to see perp reach 128 players one day, maybe in the future if there’s another occasion like this ever happens again which I hope it does but I honestly think 90 players is where the line should be drawn for now, slight server lag but it’s honestly expected and having a more full city is actually more pleasing to see