Operational Vehicle Doors.

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Another suggestion which I have put together in order to improve the realism and functionality of the server. Due to being reasoned into creating seperate threads for each of my suggestions, here is the first of many - Operational Vehicle Doors. Expect more suggestions in the near future.


Operational Vehicle Doors.

Short explanation:
The ability to operate doors on a vehicle.

Detailed description:
  • Here is the story I always seem to write on these suggestions. After countless encounters with police and such, I have noticed the lack of realism specifically to do with the functionality of vehicle doors. I was an officer and I was arresting a man, about to put him into my vehicle for transport and he magically teleported into the back of my car? Of-course I was confused and decided to create this suggestion thread.
  • Although I am not sure whether operational vehicle doors can be made specifically on TDM cars however I am sure the developers of the server can find a way to do it. This is one of those suggestions which doesn't impact the server that much, infact, it doesn't really impact it at all, however I do feel that in order to better improve the realism of the server, we do need to be diving into some of the features that we do not pay much attention to.
  • How will these doors operate you ask? Well, when a player or an officer wants someone/to get into a car, they simply have to press a little button on the keyboard for the door to open with some kind of effect to make it look realistic and the door will (so that it will function better) close automatically once in the vehicle.

Optional additions:
  • Would it not be wise to have the boot of the car open once the player presses T? Not only will this make things look realistic but when an officer asks to see what is in the trunk of a vehicle during an inspection, the players cannot die about what is in there as inside it would display the items which are inside it.
  • Very similarily to the boot of a car opening, it would also be preferable that the hood of the car opens whenever needed, say by a Road-crew driver when he is repairing a vehicle, he opens the hood to take a look at what is wrong with the car and uses his large wrench to fix some things.
I understand there may be issues with this suggestion, feel free to comment about them in a reply. Thankyou.
I would like to see this implemented i was thinking if you driving in a car you look at your door and press E (Or your selected use key) on lets say the car door handle the door will open and then you press E anywhere on the ground to get out then you have to close the door behind you. (Same goes for other doors and also Trunks/Hoods) And maybe once your press your Use key on the window button or roller the window would appear abit more brighter.

This would also add realism and would take allot of weight off officers shoulder's having to do /me Opens back door of car and forces suspect in. Evreytime they arrest somebody.
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I know there are some car models on the workshop such as the Chevrolet Suburban in which the bodygroups of the car include opening each individual door. I don't know if this can be implemented but it's a thought :)
I dont think this is possible due to TDM. Since we are using their models. and they have no models with open Doors.
Ask @StephenPuffs but I don't think hes up to editing all the TDM models and possibly get his ass in a court for some moving doors aha. Nah its not possible - The cars are what they are and its up to TheDanishMaster along with possibly Freeman (VCMod Dev) to sort anything like this out.
Tremendous idea! This would make roleplay so much better, but as stated above i dont think it can be done.
"Although I am not sure whether operational vehicle doors can be made specifically on TDM cars"

I was expecting these sort of reactions, I guess it's up to the developers to give us some insight. Thankyou for the replies.
To my knowledge at this point in time we only have two vehicles on the server with this kind of thing: the Tesla Model S and McLaren P1. And it is completely buggy considering it is simply an animation that plays when a player attempts to get in, successful or not. As for changing how that even works or having all vehicles compatible to even remotely do this would be solely up to TDM himself. We possibly could do animations that may look like opening a door, but it probably would still be buggy at best. So overall this would never work how you may hope, therefore I am putting this under denied as we don't have a not possible section.
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